@Bruins de Boston

Cam Neely ne semble pas satisfait de Don Sweeney après la signature de Mitchell Miller

Cam Neely parle de Mitchell Miller


  1. Hottest team in the league making this signing 🤣🤦🏻‍♂️

  2. Sounds like cam has been thru some hard times and he’s apologizing to his wife, kids, etc for all the fcuked up stuff he has done.. he’s been partying hard

  3. The Bruins only rescinded after Bettman dropped the hammer on the whole thing, and now they’re in full-on damage control after all the fan backlash.

    Neely was always a bully so I’m honestly not surprised, nor am I surprised that he’s indirectly throwing Sweeney under the bus here.

  4. We should all be terrified by the growing radius of cancel culture… Fucking bullying. Really? Imagine losing your job because you bullied someone when you were 14. This is a sick joke.

  5. Second chances for everyone, especially Todd Bertuzzi but not Miller. Second chances for Bruin executives who were "shamed" by the media and some of their players. Apparently, all the info provided by the USHL was not enough. Second chance again. Look its clear that the hockey establishment doesnt want anything to do with Miller. So stop signing him and waving the second chance in front of his face only to pull it in a day.

  6. He's passing the buck along in the beginning, acting like this is out of left field, then goes on to explain basically "I didn't know it was that bad"… so then he knew, he just didn't know how mad people would be

  7. These are the kinds of dumb moves that should get both of these clowns fired (see Marc Bergevin).

  8. None of these people actually care. It's all lies and deception

  9. I thought the vetting process would have begun by pulling up every tweet, Facebook & Instagram post, internet article, etc., on Mitchell Miller before signing him. Many companies do that. That could have been delegated to an administrative assistant.

  10. Cmon Neely ! Do not tell us you did not know EXACTLY EVERYTHING that was going on please! “From everything you’ve heard” like ppl don’t keep you FULLY in the LOOP seriously acting as though you just “didn’t know”

  11. I liked Neely when he was a player, but not in his current role. Bruce Cassidy got fired because of Neely, not so much because of Sweeney. Sweeney does what Neely wants. Neely is a coward. He's back-peddling to save his own job as I am sure that the Jacobs family isn't happy with the current outcome.

  12. Unreal, really, that the smartest (smuggest ?) guy in the room, Don Sweeney, would miss the dirt on this kid thst he could have found in a one minute internet search. Also, I loved Neely the player but Neely the exec has always come across as kind of an arrogant dope.

  13. It shouldn't matter – he was 14 – move on and get Un-Woke. Time ot get out of the past and forgive and forget. and F Bettman.

  14. The kid Miller needs to come and say something. I can't believe how incredibly stupid him and his parents are for allowing this to go so long without being addressed publicly. They could have gone on a PR campaign in order to improve his image. Had they done that….none of this would be happening. His parents failed him and he failed himself. There are consequences for your actions….and he's getting them right now.

  15. i cant believe they would even consider this kid , they make it sound like he was only a bully the kid is a racist , i think the bruins should have to give up picks to the coyotes since they had void the pick, how much respect did neely and sweeny just lose amongst the nhl players and other teams

  16. So should Miller just commit suicide?
    Or live life on the streets begging?
    What league or team will sign him?

    Murderers and rapists are given second chances. (Don’t know why). Miller was 14 years old..

  17. This was a total grilling. Good on him for not dodging questions and for keeping his cool. Under the circumstances, he was probably ready to blow up.

  18. everyone knows this is all BS, right? it's not about "values" or the "right thing." the Bruins are a corporation and these days no corporation wants to withstand charges of "racism" or even accusations that it's not woke enough. if this was really about values and integrity, the Bruins would sign Miller and give him an opportunity to prove he's changed. redemption. but no. so what is the NHL actually saying? that this guy should never be allowed to make a living, even if he is NHL caliber? what other past misdeeds now disqualify you from playing in the NHL? I saw a story yesterday talking about what Miller might have did in Grade One!

  19. WHAT THE FUCK DID THE KID DO FUCK! U dont have anything in the details info section …GKG! The east is almost a mystery to us out here.

  20. Funny all the holier than thou couch dwellers dumping are the same ilk who are for early release of hardened criminals.Too bad the ten victims on the reserve in Saskatchewan can no longer voice their opinions on this matter

  21. I read the statement the victim put out, Miller wouldn't let him sit at the lunch table unless he admitted that he was Millers "N^&**#*" and would make him clean the table. I'll just leave it at that.

  22. Neely conveniently throws all the blame at Sweeney. There's no way on earth that he wasn't involved in this from the get go. And the jobs have been proven to be much too big for both of them. Pack up and go guys. The Bruins need new people at the top. The culture that guys like Bergeron have worked so hard to develop and maintain in the dressing room does not exist in the front office. After Bergie retires, maybe he's guy to raise the bar upstairs.

  23. What this guy did was disgusting. We all have done stupid and hurtful things in our early teens. Does this mean we should persecute this guy forever? I don't know what kind of person he is now. Maybe he is still a jerk then I can see dumping him.

  24. Given the choice between going through this press conference and getting his other knee taken out on the ice, I swear Cam would opt for another knee check from Ulf "The Turtle" Nilsson.

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