@Canadiens de Montréal

MÉTAL! fait ses débuts au match des Canadiens

MÉTAL! fait ses débuts au match des Canadiens



  1. « Unofficial official mascot of Reverse Retro games will meet public for first time Tuesday night »

  2. whogivesashirtdotca

    Is this just Youppi with a mullet?

  3. hungovercyclist

    This is only acceptable if Youppi murdering Metal becomes cannon

  4. boutch255

    Why everyone is complaining? It’s a comeback and it’s also a pretty funny thing no?

  5. meowpeh

    I don’t get why some people are mad at this, it’s for the kids chill out.


    Metal¡ vs Gritty in a street fight

  7. djohnston02

    Spoiler – it’s just Wifi with a mullet wig. Hands are about the same size 😉

  8. I like it. Let’s make a whole collectable series of merch.

    Country mascot named WHOA!

    Punk mascot named OI!

    Pop mascot named WOOOO!

    METAL better have a twin called OOH-WAH-AH-AH-AH thoughit might not fit on a jersey.

    (I don’t know, I’m not in marketing)

    It’s all in good fun and harmless. And I now really want a Habs OI! doll.

    Canadiens mascot multiverse. That’s what that cursed superhero nonsense should have been.

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