@Golden Knights de Vegas

GOTTA SEE IT: Jack Eichel marque un tour du chapeau contre l’ancienne équipe

Regardez Jack Eichel marquer le troisième tour du chapeau de sa carrière dans la LNH face à son ancienne équipe, les Sabres de Buffalo, en marquant les trois buts en troisième période et en terminant la soirée avec quatre points.


  1. Maybe if he performed like that on a regular basis when he was a Sabre the city wouldn’t have given up on him.

  2. I'm a sabres fan, and i am so happy to see him doing good, I was at the game last night, and I was booing him just because everyone else was and it was fun lol. But I love the guy, sabres would have been unbearable to watch the last few years without him.

  3. Dude just wanted to get the surgery he felt was best for himself. The team said no and he stood up for himself. Now he comes back with a fire every time he plays in Buffalo. You love to see it.

  4. Terrible fanbase. Why are you booing a former player. Gotta love the eichel fan that came down the stairs for the second goal

  5. Buffalo is a better team without him. And so would be Vegas. Smart move by Vegas not giving this guy a letter. With Eichel I just think about his attitude towards Buffalo for originally drafting him right until he left. So easy to cheer against this guy… And no, I'm not a Sabres fan or a NY native.

  6. It's a shame that the Buffalo ownership – thr Pegula family did this all to him. It wasn't the fans or anyone actually representing what Buffalo should be all about. The Pegulas, just so everyone knows; hired their former top star of all time in Pat LaFontaine who was formerly working for the league, and shortly after completely crapped on him, his legacy, and the respect he should have had as a team president by allowing a snake GM (Murray) who was completely inexperienced to basically run the team on how the Pegulas felt. They have zero sports expertise, just money. And they blow it on idiotic decisions or hold personal issues towards people like Jack Eichel who clearly got horrible medical guidance while in Buffalo. The Pegulas are to blame and always will be for this franchise being in the shi**er.

  7. If Eichel did more of this during his time in Buffalo perhaps we woulda been better lol jk. Anyways, It's too bad he didn't want to stay during the new rebuild we would been monsters. I like Tuch and all but he seems to have a stretch of 5 awesome games and dissapears. Krebs I'm worried about. It's looking more and morel ike we got fleeced lol.

  8. As, a former eichel fan. And I am a die hard Sabres fan this hurt. I may not like Eichel but I do respect him.

  9. DIED laughing when I saw Buffalo fans cheering for Eichel! 🤣🤣🤣

  10. Tbh I’m a Sabres fan and idk why Sabres fan boo Jack. The dude put his heart in for buffalo every game. It’s not his fault the gm sucked ass and couldn’t build around him. He gave them six years to make the playoffs. I would have moved on as well

  11. When the video starts at 4-2 and you see Jack gets a hat trick! God damn

  12. Never seen someone celebrate an assist and an empty netter as hard as eichel did lol. Kinda pathetic really.

  13. The trade a year ago is looking like a win-win for both teams. This is by far the most confident that I have seen Eichel play.

  14. They should be booing their trash organization for not letting their star have control of his own body.

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