@Penguins de Pittsburgh

C’est le PIRE sentiment en tant que joueur de hockey…

#nhl #hockey #torontomapleleafs Les Leafs ont perdu un match serré contre les Penguins de Pittsburgh et c’était à cause de quelques revirements brutaux tout au long du match… Je tiens à remercier notre commanditaire pour la vidéo d’aujourd’hui : Hockey Training Hockey Training YouTube : https:/ /www.youtube.com/hockeytraining Boutique d’entraînement de hockey : https://shop.hockeytraining.com/


  1. worst feeling is getting bumped out the first round of the playoffs for the umpteen time

  2. Mathews needs to watch and learn how McDavid can move the puck at high-speed in tight spaces. He's the best player in the world watch and learn.

  3. Toronto is definitely losing tonight. Why? Because they have a chip on their shoulders to not try against teams that are not in playoff contention. Lose against the easier teams, win against the hard ones. I dont get it

  4. It feels like this video is more about the intangibles, especially when you said "For such a talented team…" blah blah blah.
    Yes, why? That is the actual billion-dollar answer, if you have the answer.

  5. these sort of giveaways happen to every team in every game on every night. It drives coaches and fans nuts- I get that. But it's interesting that when a team is winning these random sloppy plays don't seem to matter much.

  6. This is not a talented team by large.
    Below average bargain bin defence and goaltending.
    You have the first line that has one dimensional players. (Nice backcheck by Matthews on the Pens empty net goal …coastingnot caring as usual👍)

    Tavares is a more all around player but he's surrounded by ineptitude.
    The 3rd and 4th lined may not be as talented but certainly have more heart than Matthews line.

  7. I never played in a real league, so idk what I'm talking about, but I'd think that in Sandin's position the right move would be to just dump it into the corner?

  8. I broke a guys nose last night in a game. Was not on purpose but ran into him kinda like when 2 team mates do. that felt pretty bad but doing it to a team mate would be worst.

  9. I mean the thing is the way the Leafs are, the game against the Canucks is exactly the kind of game they lose. Especially if they have one of their "This team sucks so we don't have to put in the effort." type of games.

  10. The worst feeling is when someone's on the ice, not getting up, they're getting a stretcher. and you don't know how bad it is, and if it's going to be ok. Everything else is doable

  11. I have to laugh at these coaches. Most of them would have made the same mistakes, or even did, in their careers. With few exceptions (Gretsky, St. Louis), today's NHL coaches barely spent any time even playing at that level.

  12. Worst feeling is when your doctor say you can not play hockey any more. Everything else is just a game. Sometimes you win, Sometimes you loose. Enjoy hockey quys 😉

  13. Mitchy boy is a turnover machine, always was and always will be. Prime example of a player trying to play above his skill level.

  14. Habs beat pitts again and leafs just barely squeak out a win against van city. Habs also destroyed van city. Watch out leafers, habs are coming for you next.

  15. The worst feeling in hockey is knowing you will go your whole life never getting to see you favorite team since childhood lift one bloody cup. 😮‍💨

  16. Actually the worst feeling in hockey is when you and the boys are soaping each other up in the shower after the game, and the team comedian empties his water bottle all over you and the boys

  17. Jesus christ…STOP calling the Make Beliefs "such a talented team". It's bad enough that Leafsnet keep calling the Make Beliefs "elite".
    It's all bullshit. Stop making comments whose only purpose is to assuage the thin skin of Laffs Nation fans who can't seem to go a day without some form of positive reinforcement that makes their team appear better than it is. Every Make Beliefs loss results in some article either on Leafsnet or Toronto Sports Network trying to take "positives" from a bad game/loss.

    The Laffs haven't won a Stanley Cup in over 50 years and – if they ever do make the playoffs – they haven't gone past the first round in 17 years. "Talented teams" tend to be more successful than that, and are more consistently successful. You don't need to tongue the balls of Laffs fans because their team isn't as good as their fantasies indicate.

    The Make Beliefs suck and have sucked for most of my entire lifetime. Calling them "such a talented team" and "elite" does nothing but make people stop taking anything you have to say seriously. Which is why 99% of Canada ignores the idiocy produced daily by Laffsnet and TSN.

    For a channel called "Hockey Psychology" you're simply contributing to the fact that Laffs fans seem to not want to accept reality and by any measure are doing more damage to the patient (Laffs fans).

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