@Ligue nationale de hockey

mérite-t-il une place au Temple de la renommée du hockey?

mérite-t-il une place au Temple de la renommée du hockey?



  1. the1seajay

    Idk, who is that? (That might be the answer to your question, tbh)

  2. Brouxby

    I’d say yes. 1000 pts , Stanley Cup, Gold medal and multiple all star appearances.

    I’d say the only thing maybe holding him back is lack of personal awards.

  3. chouchchair

    Not exactly an exclusive list anymore anyways…

  4. penguinsfan40

    I don’t see him as a 1st ballot Hall of Famer but I do see him getting in eventually.

  5. Kingzton28

    Good player but he was never great or one of the top 5 in the league. But who knows anymore.

  6. ResponsibilityNo3935

    Personally I think he should. However there are players more deserving at this point in time.

  7. nystrom19

    I would put Roenick in before Getzlaf.

    I think Getzlaf had a great career. I think he could eventually get in but not convinced today.

  8. GroundbreakingCow775

    People keep posting this. Yes. Automatic. Fuck him. Automatic

  9. Old_Man_315

    Just listened to Bruce Garrioch on TSN talking about Alfredsson’s qualifications. Led them to one Cup final and he’s a quality person. If that’s the standard, Getz is overqualified

  10. garyzxcv

    Nope. Bar keeps slowly creeping lower. Has to stop.

  11. Wild-Masterpiece-630

    World jr gold, Olympic gold, world cup, Stanley cup

    Part of the 2003 draft class which is arguably the deepest draft ever

    He gets in, maybe not first ballot but he gets in

  12. devilontheroad

    Totally.. maybe not first ballot but he’s very worthy of it

  13. ZombieBait2

    It’s not so much a hall of fame as a hall of memorable and he was memorable

  14. caterpillardenturess

    Hard no…Is Blake Wheeler a hall of famer? Similar comparison.

  15. IMakeBandNames

    I’d put him in the hall of really good. But not the Hall of Fame

  16. If you look at quality players that retired at the same time there’s only Getzlef & Weber. Neither is great, but both are very good; and far ahead of any others in the ‘retirement class’.

    I wouldn’t put either in right away; but there’s a decent chance then of an empty class, and I don’t think the HOF would have that happen. That’s why it’s a ‘hall of good’!

    So… yes, he’s in.

  17. Distinct-Web7868

    If it was just the NHL Hall of Fame probably not but because it’s the Hockey Hall of Fame and international counts absolutely.

  18. lilPavs13

    Yes… I don’t understand how he isn’t HOF quality..

  19. Asusrty

    Tough one. Individual accolades I’m not sure he’s got enough but him and Perry were one of the best tandems not named Sedin for about a decade. His passing was world class. Id put him in with Perry. Mogilny needs to get in first though. First Russian to defect to the NHL opened the floodgates for others and he was crazy skilled.

  20. BarDownBoi

    No from me. He was good but i feel like the league is lettin too many people in at this point.

  21. BarDownBoi

    Its startin to become the “Hall of good players.” To me, the Hall of Fame is for the best of the best. Superstar type players.

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