@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Nylander rate un filet vide, mais prend sa revanche sur le même avantage numérique

William Nylander frappe le poteau sur un filet grand ouvert, mais se rachète avec quelques secondes à faire dans le jeu de puissance des Maple Leafs de Toronto


  1. We didn't get the power play goal on the first try, but at least it was good on the second attempt for Willy Nylander

  2. how is the pp not the best pp in the league, look at all these star players, like wow

  3. I think Gretzky still holds best shooter in the league record and Matthew's can't even hold his jockstrap

  4. Make me laughs have the league record of most losses in a franchise history…..lol that will help you find peace Toronto !!!

  5. This is an excellent example of the power of variation. Some players try to blast too much. Others try to finesse too much. Great players can do both, and mix it up to make the defense and goalies guessing. Great players score more than good players.

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