@Jets de Winnipeg

Carson Soucy frappe Pierre-Luc Dubois, drôle de caméra zoom sur Soucy quand les Jets marquent

Tous les droits reviennent à la LNH. Je ne possède pas la musique et les images utilisées dans cette vidéo. À des fins de divertissement uniquement.


  1. What a joke. Gets up cross checking the other player, but as soon as he's hit again, down he goes!

  2. Yes it's a penalty, but that dive by Dubois deserves an honorable mention.


  4. Nice trap by Dubois. Light tackle, holding on to his stick afterwards. Shouldn’t have fallen for that 30 secs before end of 3rd.

  5. Cmon, man…. full-on sucker punch to back of head… and the dumbest zebras still refuse to call a game misconduct. Hockey is becoming less of a real sport (and certainly no longer a gentleman's game) and more like WWE styled entertainment. Ridiculous!

  6. I understand wanting to fight but you call em out and Duke it out back of the head makes you a pu$$y. You was scared to go face to face.

  7. Dubois is crosschecking and slashing, no calls. Soucy taps his helmet, Dubois dies. Some of the worst refereeing I've seen all season.

  8. Ummmmm y'all ate missing the key point and that is that life got hard for the defenceman s d he got frustrated, you don't get to punch anyone in the back of the head, plus you punch the guy at the base of the neck, dude you deserve to be suspended indefinitely

  9. All these losers saying it’s a dive lmao. Go cry. Thanks for the win Soucy ❤ way to be disciplined buddy!

  10. People from Seattle apparently don't know shit about hockey if they think getting punched in the back of the head is a dive.

  11. Also funny that there's 4 infringements Dubois could have been called for on this shift. 2x embellishments, one slashing and 1 holding the stick

  12. The NHL is full of tough guys who pull bitch moves like this, as a fan it's disappointing

  13. I wouldnt hardly call that a punch, more of a wtf are you doing nod. Best dive of the year. And he learnt a lesson, never punch a diver, no matter how soft it is.

  14. He deserved the punch tho. Got knocked down in a 50/50 and retaliated with a slash and a cross check and an elbow. Get shat on dude

  15. PLD is the biggest embarrassment of a player in the NHL. The kid needs to go back to Pre K. Loser child.

  16. omg a little tap with the glove on and he falls like a shot dear.lol.pussies NHL should be called the MHL millenial hockey league.lmao.

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