@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Salut les fans de Leafs ! Je suis au Pitt ce soir !! 519 – PiTT Go Feuilles Go. Grande nuit pour nous tous

Salut les fans de Leafs ! Je suis au Pitt ce soir !! 519 – PiTT Go Feuilles Go. Grande nuit pour nous tous



  1. MatchMirner

    Hope they get the W for you and Kylee both!

  2. Intelligent_Chair901

    Awesome buddy. Go Leafs Go!

  3. johnnylawrence2807

    Your fuckin awesome!

    Hope the boys put on a god damn clinic for you. Go leafs!!!

  4. WaterInTheStars

    I’ll be there too! Cheers man!

  5. princessgrey

    Let’s go Leafs do it for Kylee!

    Hi from Windsor!

  6. Beamergoal

    If you had to do this because of our shit health care system right now then that infuriates me. Hope everything goes well though! Have fun at the game!

  7. spaceporter

    Unpopular opinion: I love those Bieber jerseys

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