@Blues de Saint-Louis

Blues @ Blackhawks 11/16 | Faits saillants de la LNH 2022

Faits saillants prolongés des Blues de St. Louis aux Blackhawks de Chicago


  1. @nhl why do you always use the opponent’s tv footage when covering the blues?
    Ive watched all your uploads this season and it’s always the opponent and never the Blues!

  2. Happy for Barbashev and Pitlick. Big goals in front of their moms. Congrats to Alexandrov for his first NHL point, too.

  3. Here’s a true fact it’s not how a team starts off the year it’s how they end the year true or false

  4. Never have your hopes up with blues remember the 2019 season we were a horrible team in the beginning but then got on fire in the end any team that is on fire late in the season is probably gonna make long run in playoffs probably

  5. Avs may be good right now but they could choke it later in the season all teams are different how they finish things

  6. A …Darling… of a sight at the Sadhouse on Madison in the Windy City. Read the morning news, if you choose, it might give you the Blues. Saints went Marching In…to town, sent the Black Hawk of Chicago down.

  7. Right about now GM Davidson must have a decent length trade list. Play hard fellas Blackhawks can always use more draft picks.

  8. Chicago Blackhawks Needs To Trade Soderblom And Get A Skater Getting Number 40 In The Indian Head

  9. JB had another awesome 👏 performance between the pipes made some great key saves that kept the Blackhawks from getting back in the game.

  10. pang is king of the homers…domi has to SHOOT instead of passpasspassing…arvid's jock got lodged in the rafters after kyra threw it up there…AA got hands..caleb is really, really bad…mccabes GvA was brutal…did I mention caleb is really bad X 3? he was minus 5

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