@Sénateurs d'Ottawa

Disponibilité d’après-match de DJ Smith – 16 novembre 2022

Écoutez l’entraîneur-chef DJ Smith après la victoire des Sénateurs d’Ottawa contre les Sabres de Buffalo au Centre Canadian Tire.


  1. Au 30ième rang des équipes la plus indisciplinée je ne sais pas quoi en penser… j'attends vos arguments M. Dorion!!! Et ok M. DG et DJ je vais être patient et prié qu'on soit au 3ième rang pour les séries. Go Sens Go merci pour votre victoire ce soir cool!!!

  2. I honestly can’t believe DJ is an NHL coach.

    From the line combination of Debrincat, Pinto and Batherson together for a long time and it never worked but continuously kept them together

    From his matchup game. Barely plays his 4th line which is good because they’re not very good… but when he does play them he always seems to put them vs the other team’s 1st line or the last few minutes of a period. He simply gets out coached regularly. We’re the home team and somehow the away teams that come to town dominate the matchup games. It literally feels like the sens are the road team. We lost vs the Islanders because of this

    No accountability, benching, discipline… the players can turn the puck over as much as they want they’ll be right back out there. They can take stupid penalties after stupid penalties but they’ll be back out there. The sens take the most penalties in the league… We had 7 tonight and what like 10 penalties in Tampa? It’s absolutely ridiculous. At some point DJ needs a pulse on the bench. Literally looks like a circus at times.

    From the Powerplay units. Insanity to me that Giroux is on the 2nd unit with inferior players. He creates more by himself on the 2nd unit, with inferior players and with less ice time than the 1st unit combined. Giroux is known as one of the best PP guys in the league… so put him with the best players. Stop restricting him. He literally is a massive reason as to why Pinto got the rookie of the month. The 1st unit just does the same robot plays they’ve done for the past 3 years. Debrincat playing the full 2 minute and on both units when he doesn’t generate anything

    Guy pulls the goalie so early every game we’re down and the other team scores instantly. The cherry on top is when he called a timeout down by 2 goals with 10 seconds left vs Vancouver. It’s hilarious but sad.

    Then we hear his same speeches after every game.

    It just feels like the sens want to lose and find any way to do so. It starts from the coaching and i don’t understand why Dorion supports DJ so much… Brian Murray would have fired this clown a long time ago. Losing culture with a losing coach at the helm.

  3. Love seeing Sanderson get those big minutes. All-around good effort. They looked and played more like a team tonight. Hopefully they can build off yes and get a little confidence going

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