@Ligue nationale de hockey

quelle est la meilleure sauvegarde de tous les temps ?

Pour moi ce sera toujours [Ed Belfour on Sergei Fedorov. ](https://youtu.be/I44jRb1Xam8)



  1. Ijustwerkhere

    Super biased, but Holtby on Tuch in game 2 of the SCF

  2. « Hasek with a miraculous save on Klatt! Do you believe!? Oh brother we are not worthy! »

    As a goalie myself, this save totally blows my mind because it encapsulates the essence of Hasek: the presence of mind you would need, in order to have the idea to abandon your stick so as to gain more hand speed so as to make a ridiculous diving blocker save. A totally one of a kind save from a totally one of a kind goalie.

  3. joeybeljanski

    That was a crazy definitely one of the best saves

  4. proletariatblues

    I don’t have the exact answer but it definitely involves either Belfour or Hasek.

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