@Canadiens de Montréal

Denis : Coach St Louis différent des autres (TSN 690)

Denis : Coach St Louis différent des autres (TSN 690)



  1. BlazeOfGlory72


    – They start off by talking about the Canadiens defense, with host Tsilikis saying that it has really exceeded his expectations, and has played a key role in our early season success. Denis says that the biggest issue facing our defense right now is its tendency to get hemmed into its own zone for long periods of time. Aside from that though, Denis has also been impressed with the defense. He notes that the Canadiens are first in the league in « goals saved above expected ».

    – Ghule in particular has been a stud so far. Xhekaj has also been a pleasant surprise. Savard has also been a tremendous role model for the rookies. If the defense can learn to get the puck out of the zone faster, this could become a very solid defense.

    – They play a clip from St. Louis, where he talks about how watching the game and other players can help a player improve. He gives an example of how he watched Datsyuk and learned a lot from him, even though they weren’t really similar players.

    – Co-host Starr asks what Denis thinks of the teams play so far, and if there are any concerning patterns developing. Denis doesn’t read too much into the loss to New Jersey, saying that they were just a really good team. The Devils are a team that puts a lot of pressure on their opposition, and the lesson for the Habs in this loss is to get everyone playing at the same pace.

    – Starr talks about how part of the charm of having St. Louis as a coach is that he doesn’t speak like a traditional coach. He doesn’t just spout the same tired sound bites, but has genuine thoughts on the game. Denis adds that St. Louis is also not someone who thinks they have all the answers and that they are the supreme authority on everything. He is someone who is willing to learn and grow. He’s also very passionate, which is something that can really motivate players to follow a coach.

    – They talk about Mike Matheson, and his impending return. Tsilikis asks who will be the odd man out when he returns. Denis says that the Armia and Drouin injuries give the team a little breathing room to make a decision. Denis does think though that Xhekaj or Kovacevik will end up the odd man out when Matheson comes back though.

    – They talk about tonights game against the Blue Jackets, and what the Canadiens are up against. Denis says that Columbus has been struggling, both being very injured and not playing with a lot of confidence, though they have been competing harder recently.

  2. Being first in GSAx isn’t exactly a ringing endorsement of the defence to be honest.

    Also, there’s no way Kovacevic is going to the AHL. He’d have to clear waivers and would get claimed for sure.

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