@Flames de Calgary

Annonces du tableau

Annonces du tableau



  1. The-Reddit-Giraffe

    I don’t notice them much unless they are glitching

  2. MittRominator

    Shit take, go get your eyes checked

    *edit I blame the Tkachuk goal on this post for upsetting the hockey gods, like who actually stands up for virtual board ads Jesus christ

  3. the1eyeddog

    I don’t notice them except for the odd time something is moving along them, but even then they’re fine. I rarely see them glitch.

  4. __GingerBeef__

    Watching home games I’ve barely noticed them but on the road I’ve noticed some arenas don’t handle it as well as the dome.

  5. albertpoopoohead

    They fixed the motion blur

    They fixed the transitions (as much per contracts)

    They fixed bugs

    It couldn’t have continued how it was, it’s at least watchable now 99% of the time.

  6. ThatPaulywog

    I never pretended they were. I don’t notice them at all.

  7. GooseDevito

    They would be ok if they didn’t make me slightly nauseous every time the camera pans form one end to the other

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