@Flames de Calgary

NHL force du calendrier joué + restant (avec des graphiques de feuilles de google merdiques)

NHL force du calendrier joué + restant (avec des graphiques de feuilles de google merdiques)



  1. This was before todays game so the strength of schedule played should be slightly higher for the flames and strength of schedule remaining slightly lower.

  2. lemonvictor_

    So I am stupid here. Is this saying Flames have had the hardest schedule up until today and an easier schedule (on paper) the rest of the way?

    Flames definitely have run the gauntlet so far

  3. Comfortable-Ad-7158

    Well the devils hot start makes more sense now.

  4. Captain_Holtom

    For everyone giving the flames a hard time for the mediocre start (or the people calling for Sutter to be fired and half the team to be traded- lol) keep in mind that the flames have not played a single bad team yet, and aside from LA, no one has played a bad game against us. Being over 0.500 while playing strictly playoff teams for the first 17 games, not to mention having a largely new core, is not bad.

  5. HarveyHound

    Is it me or have the Flames looked stronger when playing against the « better » teams than the « worse » ones?

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