@Ducks d'Anaheim

Les Ducks d’Anaheim pourraient être condamnés cette saison

Au milieu d’une reconstruction de franchise et assis au sommet d’une pile de nouveaux joueurs, les Ducks sont actuellement sur la première étape de l’élaboration de leur avenir. Mais si l’on se fie aux performances de cette saison jusqu’à présent, il est peu probable que l’avenir comporte des séries éliminatoires en 2023. Twitter : http://twitter.com/geometric Insta : http://instagram.com/geocasts


  1. I've always had some interest in sports but never had one that clicked, I've also always liked statistics.
    This video shines a light onto a sport I've not given a chance yet and has a comprehensive breakdown of statistics that even someone out of the hockey space could mostly understand and the parts I don't is due to me not knowing the terminology.
    Very professional but without feeling inaccessible to a newcomer, well done!

  2. I appreciate the effort in this video. But I dont think you know what you are talking about here..

  3. I respect the video but as a Ducks fan, not many true fans were expecting them to be good at all this season. Now being competitive remains to be seen though, as for all we know come end of December they'll at least be competing. Playoffs were never in the mind for most fans this season.

  4. The answer: next year, change their name back to the Mighty Ducks of Anaheim, and win the cup in their first year. It's like poetry. It rhymes.

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