@Canadiens de Montréal

(Français) Plus d’extraits du livre de Pierre Gervais, parlant des capitaines des Canadiens Pacioretty, Koivu et Suzuki

(Français) Plus d’extraits du livre de Pierre Gervais, parlant des capitaines des Canadiens Pacioretty, Koivu et Suzuki



  1. Mean_Mister_Mustard

    Tl;dr: Saku Koivu and Nick Suzuki are great people, while Max Pacioretty is apparently a selfish asshole.

  2. NtBtFan

    This is a google translate so bear with me

    >[On Max being named captain]…he was our best striker, but he didn’t fit the job. He was a very self-centered guy. He rarely smiled and did not mingle with others. Quite the opposite of a unifier. We could win 10-1 and he was sulking if he hadn’t scored. He was probably brought up in cotton wool.

    had to snicker at that last bit

  3. Non-Vanilla_Zilla

    I’m loving these Gervais insider scoops.

  4. MDevonL

    Read the article. I need more. Think this may be my first French book since high school

  5. ticktock_heart

    I need to buy this book lol! I’m tearing up at the excerpt about Koivu. What a wonderful player and person. We were so lucky to have him for so long.

    Also these quotes about the younger guys hit a little different for me.

    *Si j’avais à identifier les plus travaillants, j’opterais pour Suzuki, Caufield et Cayden Primeau.* Noting that Suzuki, Caufield, and Primeau are the hardest-working among the young guys. Nick and Cole aren’t a surprise, but that he thought to include Primeau, too, makes you think.

    *Gerv, si je te rapporte un chandail du match des Étoiles, vas-tu le prendre ?* Suzuki asking Gervais if he would accept a jersey from him, brought back from the All Star game. My heart.

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