@Oilers d'Edmonton

Revue du match des Oilers d’Edmonton | GM 19 | Oilers d’Edmonton @ Devils du New Jersey | 21/22 nov.

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  1. At what point? At what point do we say, hey, we need to axe half of our players instead of thinking they'll improve. I'm sorry but defense was meh last year and it got walked vs the Avs, you'd think theyd make some big changes to beef them up, no, they lose Keith and Russel and think that they absolute mid D line will be insane after playing with Keith for 1 season. D was atrocious, standing around, horrid turnovers, and down right pointless plays, #2 cough cough. This team is missing Kane and Keith BAD. Besides Drai and Mcdavid (No depth of course), no one was really noticeable. Horrid goals allowed, no pressure. Honestly, I dont really want to watch any games for a bit cause it get excited when they win a game to get pissed when they blow the next, no consistency.

  2. The defensive zone circus continues. New Jersey made the Oilers look like slow and confused juniors in their defensive zone multiple times tonight. (As Wilkens and Brown pointed out on their post game show, the Oilers back in way too far on opposition rushes.) Unless Edmonton gets their defensive play (& players) figured out (CONSISTENTLY), they’re going to struggle to make the playoffs – and this from a team that was supposed to be a Cup Contender. … Oh, and Stu, you’re not Mike Smith. … Bouchard = minus 9; Puljujaarvi = minus 9.

  3. What's up with Bouchard? He seems to have changed his quick sneaky wrister for the big wind up and now he can't get shots through from the point anymore. Looks like he's telegraphing his intentions and slow to get his shot off. Whatever it is he seems to have lost his magic. And most games he seems to be in the minus column. Not looking too good right now. He's not contributing much offensively or defensively and it's really hurting the Oilers. Hope he gets it figured out soon.

  4. Even though it wasn't the prettiest game for Edmonton I do think it's a shameless loss because New Jersey is playing so damn well. Edmonton is just one of many teams to have lost to New Jersey.

  5. This teams a joke. Losing kane hurt this team in a huge way. They don't have that swag anymore… Season is done… It may seem long but it doesn't look good….

  6. We are clearly missing guys like Mike Smith, Zach Kassian, Duncan Keith, etc. Veterans who provide energy or Leadership, this team just rarely looks ready to start on time and are always using so much time and energy just to comeback in games. More aggressive efforts at the start of the game, to try and take leads will ultimately be the big difference maker. If things continue to slide and the inconsistency continues, I think it’s time to explore a trade for a depth player, some names I heard as potential fits are Ryan reaves from New York and Austin Watson from Ottawa.

  7. Gotta say I've always loved your videos but you gotta power through and at least sound positive.
    Cheer up Patrick. We are down 2 BIG pieces it this team.
    We can't win em all !!

  8. If jerseys goalie didn't stand on his head this would be a different game. I still think if the teams confidence in Campbell isn't there trade him. Skinner like you said can't have to big of a work load put on him. Some how some in the locker room has to start to take these guys by the horns and settle them down

  9. Its really getting old. We win 1 and then lose 1 miserably. Same story every year

  10. Holland needs to fired Jay needs to be send down Holland don't know how to get d men or goalies this team sucks so bad oilers is not even close to a cup be lucky if they make the playoffs trade nurse barrie jp yam

  11. Barrie was far from good. Skinner watched Smith a little too much and had poor defence again.. Devils played a good game and deserved to win. Too many players floating against a team that out worked them. Agree with the comments showing the team is missing Rusty, Keith, Kane and Yamo. Bison king still not playing as required. Kostin belongs in the line up. Janmark looks better than Jesse on the top 6. Picard may be injured so it will be Skinner and who knows who and the extent of Campbell. Solution for team Barrie and Bison King traded. Some toughness on the back end and up front. Keep the vids rolling Patrick.

  12. You cant have Skinner steal games all the time. Our defensive system, well we don't have one. Like you said how Jersey do all the little things right where we did all of them wrong. Our defense doesn't control their end. No exit strategy. Need a couple of better D.

  13. Nah, I think the issue is all the line juggling! How are players supposed to create any synergy with their line mates when Woodcroft keeps switching players? If you watch any game in the last 2 weeks you see one consistency. They keep screwing up their forward passes or at least 75% of them.
    Passes are sent to the players feet, behind the target player or out of their reach in front. They try blind passes only for the player to have veered away from where the passer slid the puck!
    Take for instance tonight. There was one play where 2 players were flying to the corner to retrieve a dump in, the closest player thought his line mate was right behind him when in actuality, his line mate made a last minute move toward the front of the net.
    Front player flipped the puck backwards expecting an opportunity to trap 2 opposing players in the corner and his closest line mate to retrieve and feed another player set up on the point. No one was there and was an easy give away resulting in a 3-1 rush going the other way.
    Thankfully on that play Niemolainen (I think), was able to catch up and took the player with control of the puck into the corner!
    Woodcroft has to stop line up experiments and let the players get used to his 2 line mates and where they prefer to be fed the puck and where they usually go to lose their shadows. Wait until the Oilers are on a winning streak and then juggle a line here and there not when they are struggling just to get a win.
    Look at most teams. They have (more or less) the same line mates throughout the game. It's got to be hard to figure out where to put the puck in the heat of the moment when you are trying to feed a pass to a player that doesn't know how hard or high the pass will be coming in to him.

  14. They should've put the EBUG out and save Skinners save %. Either it's the blowout the team deserves or they rally and give the game of the year for it

  15. Woodcroft always says when a team is struggling to go back to basic hockey. Yet his line up structure is anything but basic. Make line ups that make sense then let them play 3-4 games with the same line mates. They will get used to each others styles and the passing and forechecking , etc will get considerably cleaner. Forecheck, Backcheck, Pay cheque!

  16. Every goalie has shitty games. Im starting stuart 10/10 times when hes coming off 4 straght heaters. He'll bounce back. God i miss fights too. Feels like I havent seen a good fight in years.

  17. I watch a lot of hockey…more than just the oilers…the defense of the oilers actually ISNT bad they just make bad choices. I don't think I've seen a teams defense get caught too deep in the offensive zone as much as the oilers. With this high risk type of play…I wouldn't be surprised if Edmonton misses the playoffs.

  18. I feel for ya dude. Brighter times will come im sure…. Sincerely a Devils fan

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