@Hurricanes de la Caroline

Les cannes font un retour furieux avec 3 buts d’attaquant supplémentaires !

Menés 3-0, les Hurricanes marquent 3 buts en retard avec l’attaquant supplémentaire, Jaccob Slavin, Andrei Svechnikov et Martin Necas marquant chacun pour égaliser le match à 3.


  1. Insane. I can imagine there were a bunch of canes fans kicking themselves for leaving early to beat traffic thinking the game was over.

  2. 🤣👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍🤣

  3. thats hurricanes hockey. cant score in the first 55 but can score 3 in the last 5. and then lose in OT.

  4. I thought it’d be like a 5 minute PP or something, that’s embarrassing

  5. That’s crazy, I’m not sure if I should congratulate Carolina for almost winning after this amazing comeback or laugh because another Canadian team almost choked

  6. This just shows no lead in the third period is safe anytime. I knew once Carolina Hurricanes got within two in the third period after trailing three goals, they would have a chance to comeback to tie the game down three goals in the third period.

  7. Canes are playing like garbage and still getting points in the standings. Not worried

  8. I wasn't even mad at that lost. Both teams where even with 10-5-1 records and we got a point. 1-0-2 in three games for the Canes. Just need to work on our PP and PK.

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