@Canucks de Vancouver

La caméra provoque le chaos à Vancouver 📷

Tout en jouant la rondelle sur les planches, la rondelle entre en contact avec l’équipement dans le trou de la caméra, provoquant l’atterrissage d’un objectif de caméra sur la glace et semant la confusion et entraînant un but de Vegas qui a duré jusqu’à la révision.


  1. Should’ve blown it dead as soon as there was debris on the ice. Not after the goal was scored… but still good call

  2. my question, Broken sticks, helmets, visors, skate blades, water bottles, all on the ice play doesn't stop. why call back the goal? it didn't affect play the goal was scored 30 seconds later

  3. If they allow the holes, the cameras should be part of the ice just like the lineman.

  4. As a neutral fan, this is the wrong call. If the rulebook supports the call, then the rulebook needs to be updated. Hockey's history has crappy lake ice, chain-link fence for the glass, and arenas that were too small. The zamboni gate causes turnovers in most barns when the players aren't paying attention. If every time something strange happens it can be challenged and a goal overturned, we're embarrassing the legacy of hockey. Boo.

  5. It’s strange that every other person and object is considered part of the game except a camera lens that’s sticking inside the glass.

    Puck hits the ref, play continues.
    Puck hits the glass, play continues.
    Puck hits a camera sticking inside the glass, play is stopped.

    Seems arbitrary.

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