@Flames de Calgary

Sénateurs d’Ottawa contre les Flames de Calgary | Faits saillants complets de la fusillade – 7 mars 2021

Regardez les faits saillants complets de la fusillade des Flames de Calgary et des Sénateurs d’Ottawa alors que Drake Batherson marque le vainqueur de la fusillade.


  1. I'm surprised those Refs didn't call back Stützle for Embellishment on that goal. /s

  2. Monahan and Gaudreau are both choke artists. There’s a reason why NO ONE has ever considered them a “duo”. Calgary is never going to win anything with both of them on the team.

  3. Markstrom please dont go back of the net to play puck.guess yu dont know how to handle the puck.

  4. Ahhh there's the full shootout thanks Sportsnet! I guess your highlights have to be 6 minutes, there was no time for that filthy Stuetzle goal lol. Go Sens Go! Champs in 5 years!

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