@Avalanche du Colorado

Choisissez-moi un gagnant

Choisissez-moi un gagnant



  1. Tatertot_salad_

    « The one time I’m on tv… »

    – This guy, probably

  2. F4rtWaffles

    Glad I’m not the only one who saw that!

  3. Skellephant

    He started playing with lip and I was so scared he was gonna eat it.

  4. yemx0351

    People always say live you best life.
    He was doing that. Don’t shame the man.

  5. Tylerpants80

    Really the only way I can afford to eat at the sack

  6. Neo-Maxizoom-Dweebie

    Bet he wonders why his brother sitting next to him always gets the girls.

  7. giraffesnax

    you can’t sit behind the bench and pick your nose, you’re bound to be on tv 😂😂😂😂

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