@Sénateurs d'Ottawa

Disponibilité de DJ Smith – 22 nov. 2022

Écoutez l’entraîneur-chef DJ Smith suivre l’entraînement des Sénateurs d’Ottawa au T-Mobile Arena avant qu’ils n’affrontent les Golden Knights de Las Vegas demain soir.


  1. This will be an 0-4 road trip. If PD cares about this team he needs to can DJ. New coach. New system that uses players right. We don’t need 9 million dollar players playing dump and chase. Ridiculous.

  2. You can have the best coach in the NHL but if your top players get hurt it doesn't matter. DJ Smith is doing the best he can with what players are healthy .

  3. Our best players need to be our best players. Guys need to step up or start trading guys. Can’t accept this loser mentality that has infected this club at every level.

  4. If this team goes on a run playing meaningless hockey I’m gonna be so pissed. At this point might as well try for bedard.

  5. Why is he pulling the goalie if we’re down 3 with 4 minutes left like does he really think we’re gonna score 3 in 4 mins

  6. People need to know a team has to find a coach before firing one😂 maybe they been interviewing chill out

  7. Lol @ everyone thinking DJ will actually get fired because theyre making a big fuss over it. The earliest there will be a coaching change is after the sale of the team. DJ isn't even the problem right now, its bad execution, soft plays, and now all the losing and social media outrage has gotten to their heads.

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