@Devils du New Jersey

La foule du New Jersey jette des débris sur la glace après l’annulation du troisième but des Devils

Regardez la foule au Prudential Center de Newark jeter des débris sur la glace après qu’un but des Devils du New Jersey ait été annulé pour la troisième fois dans le match contre les Maple Leafs de Toronto.


  1. Yeah it went off of the leafs player but he still kicked it. Like if you shoot it and it goes off the opposing player it counts because you shot it, but in this matter you kicked it

  2. I was there, and I don’t think I’ll ever see something like that ever again in my lifetime!

  3. Devil fan logic: if I threw 2 pucks in the net, they didn't count, 3rd one has to count…. Or else.

  4. Wow, what a bunch of cry babies in the audience, even the headcoach thought so haha

  5. All I'm seeing is that Haula was trying to make a kicking pass to Devils #14 which ended up deflecting to the net. Borderline call.

  6. So New York Rangers hockey "fans" moved to New Jersey when I wasn't looking???

  7. It's not easy pretending to be a knowledgeable hockey fan.
    The minority of NJD dipshit attendees proved it.
    BTW: Explain to me the wisdom in selling cans or any hard objects at sports venues.

  8. I was at this game and Omg
    Dangerous for a leaf fan
    A sea of red and chaos

    Go leafs go

  9. I absolutely hate how sour the NHL fanbase has become within the last 5 years. Horrible people, bandwagon fans. Each fan should be banned from the arena for a long period of time.

  10. Lol the worst thing is all 3 goals were goals that would be turned back in any game that was just brutal luck

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