@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Les Devils ont deux buts exclus pour ingérence du gardien de but contre les Maple Leafs

Regardez comme les Devils du New Jersey ont deux buts exclus, un en première période et un autre en deuxième, en raison de l’interférence du gardien de but face aux Maple Leafs de Toronto.


  1. They got both calls right, not much to see here. The first one isn't much, but he's still in the blue and makes contact with a goalie trying to make a save, second one is a no brainer.

  2. 1st goal was a bad call. Murray wasn't complaining about interference after the goal so he obviously thought it was a good goal. The 2nd one was definitely interference even if it was unintentional. Tough luck, Devils need to start another streak.

  3. First goal is 100% good. Murray was able to fully extend. If you .25 it you see the guys skate move as he is extending.

  4. "So were just gonna call every goal back?"

    "Yea thats the game plan"

    -NHL refs in Jersey talking before the game

  5. Murray steals a game perfect!! Gio and Holl blocked lots of shots. Matthews had 10 chances to score tonight.

  6. Both bs. Murray isn’t in the net and thats his fault. He was barely bumped. If he wants to be a defenceman that little bit of contact is bull. Also the first one was pathetic. The league is turning into a joke.

  7. The second goal is the only one that could have an argument. Congrats leafs, the refs had to hold your hand the whole way but you were finally able to hold a lead.

  8. Both clearly not goals. Boy this feels weird, I'm finally in agreement with Leafs fans.

  9. The hockey Gods will get even with the Loser Leafs: No Cups for them in 2023 extending their Guinness Book of World Loser Records to 56 years! 🤣

  10. Yall saying the Devs broke the rules should probably take a look at the rulebook again… just suggesting it

  11. Even as a Leafs fan I didn’t except fans to throw items on the ice!!!! I thought the goals counted but the refs said no so the Devil fans got angry!!!! I was expecting the devils to score early in the first or third period!!!!🏒🤝👍✌️

  12. First one really close. The goalie interference no brainer as well as the kick are good calls.

  13. Let’s be real here. If the goals were called back for the Leafs everybody would be singing a different tune.

  14. Murray should get an Oscar for that acting performance on 2nd non goal, way to absolutely throw his leg under himself to get the call lmao, what a joke

  15. Devils fans didn't do there team any favors by delaying the game by tossing garbage on the ice, the Devils had some solid momentum going and you broke that up by being disgraceful, when our children get mad and toss food and drinks around making a mess we say?… No!, why? because it's wrong and having a hissy fit gets you nothing but disciplined. disgusting display.

  16. Penguins fan and all the calls disallowed are bullshit tbh.
    Goaltender interference is so OP lmao

  17. The ref incorrectly ruling it a good goal at first after the review only made this worse 😂

  18. The first one was a bullshit call. The second what ever. Leafs were lucky to win tonight

  19. So, I’m a Devils fan (if you couldn’t tell), and while frustrating, it is what it is. I can’t complain after a 13 game winning streak. Would have liked to have seen 14+, but what can you do. After the better part of a decade going the way it went, I don’t think any Devil fan can be upset with the caliber of play we’re seeing from our team. I think that the frustration and some anxious nerves got to them tonight, but with the win streak done (for now) they can go back to playing their game without the added pressure of a record breaking streak on their shoulders. Brush it off guys and have some fun out there, it’s been fun watching it for sure. I’m just super stoked that my Devils are the talk of the town lately and are considered the hottest team in the league. Let’s go!!!

  20. First one's kinda confusing, but NO ONE can complain that the 2nd one wasn't interference

  21. I don't like vandalism, but the fact is that reffing has been on a steady decline for quite a lot of time now. Players, coaches and fans are so pissed about wrong calls or missed calls happening 8times per game on average…we just can't give them the benefit of the doubt on close calls anymore. Every job you can do in hockey; from owner to water-boy; you are held accountable for your mistakes. Except one… they never own up to their mistakes and Bettman protects (and even compliments them). They're like the boy who cried wolf, they make a good call, and all we remember are all the incorrect ones in the last 15minutes of play

  22. First one was probably a goal if it weren't that the small bit of contact is exactly where the puck squeezed through. He probably would have made a toe save if he didn't get bumped. Good call.

  23. Both calls are bad calls.

    First one had clear pushing from the defenseman to create contact with the goalie.

    The second is just plain inconsistent. Carey Price literally got pulled out of the net for an easy empty netter goal for the Rangers years ago. They called that a good goal.

    Needless to say, I’d be pissed if I was an NJ fan. The game starts to feel fixed when you see BS like that.

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