@Hurricanes de la Caroline

Faits saillants de la LNH | Capitals vs Hurricanes, match 4 – 18 avril 2019

Le but de Teuvo Teravainen en deuxième période a aidé les Hurricanes de la Caroline à égaliser leur série avec les Capitals de Washington.


  1. GoCanes❤️🏒🥅🐐

    Hope Oshie is ok…hope foegle dosent get suspended…caps had a couple cheap shots too….it’s hockey

  2. Huge win by the Hurricanes I'm proud woo! I hope Hurricanes win in Game 5 and don't forget, Bunch of Jerks for the W.

  3. Was at the game, first the crowd was insane so loud I felt the vibration throughout my whole body lol I thought I was going to be sick. 2nd, even though the Canes won, Caps get away with so much it's terrible. Lastly GO CANES!!

  4. Said it last year i’ll say it again. NOTHING is easy for the caps in the playoffs. It’s either game 6 or 7 nothing less.

  5. Playoffs are a different animal than regular season, teams today are so close in skill that 1st seed vs 8th really means little. I played for many years and players today are incredible, teams are more even than ever, and it's a great thing for hockey, greatest sport in the galaxy!

  6. Roses are red
    Violets are blue
    The caps suck a$$
    Just like you @Thosewithnonames

  7. The final 2 minutes were just pure non stop INSANITY! At the same time though holy crap so many missed calls during those 2 minutes, high sticking, tripping, boarding, you name it all went uncalled during those 2 minutes, didn't matter which team, terrible officiating.

  8. as long as the canes get steady tending. theyre a good team. defense looking very solid

  9. They cheer when Oshie is blind sided and taken out we respected their goalie….. don’t worry we’ll get loud on Saturday chanting “Wilson’s gonna kill you”

  10. I'm taking on 8 capitals fans at once I have no stake in this game and you think your crazy 😂😂😂

  11. It would be interesting to see who wants it more in game 5.

  12. Damn all this arguing lol I'm a diehard Caps fans and I gotta give it to the canes They won fair and square……didn't like the hit on Oshie but its hockey, hell the canes got injuries 2…..My caps had bad coaching tonight..and canes fan GG BUT we r gonna be hella physical next game

  13. I love to see the caps getting a run for their money from the canes, I also like to see that ovi turns back into a goon when the caps don't get their way.

  14. so wait warren foegele hit on tj was only a 2 min? that should have been 5 and a game. wtf? the refs spoon fed the hurricanes that win

  15. Not in panic mode yet, we were down in every series last year including the cup final, so at 2-2 it's all even now, we need to win the next though at home.

  16. 3:04 What the hell was Orpik doing? Burakovsky should have come back a little harder, especially with fresh legs, could have made a difference. Two missed assignments on the same play pretty much guarantees a goal in the NHL, unless your goalie bails you out. Orpik could not have played this worse.

  17. Caps fan accused us of pumping noise into PNC arena. I guess they can't deal with the fact that us #BunchOfJerks are a more passionate fanbase.

    They expected to roll us 4-0. It's not really going their way so far.

    PS Mrazek > Holtby #TakeWarning

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