@Blackhawks de Chicago

Kirby Dach fait taire la foule de Chicago avec le vainqueur de la fusillade contre l’ancienne équipe

Regardez l’attaquant des Canadiens de Montréal Kirby Dach marquer le but vainqueur lors de la fusillade contre son ancienne équipe, les Blackhawks de Chicago.


  1. Must feel so good. I swear he was almost crying in his first interview after the trade, he loved Chicago

  2. Clearly a nice example of an athlete who needed a change of scenery to reach his potential. He's in a good place where the coach has shown great confidence in him (playing on the first line isn't bad for starters) and he's thriving with good linemates.

  3. Chicago fans and Montreal fans are have an IQ around room temp, and will boo anything they are told. Chicago trades Dach, he didn't ask for one, they boo. Montreal trades a player, they boo. Cringe.

  4. Id have the biggest grin on my face if i were him, that would really piss them off

  5. It’s not chicago fans fault they have a idiot in office 🤣🤣 they think they could of gotten someone better than Kirby in the next draft but hey who’s to say you won’t be ok in 50 years 🤣 y’all aren’t finding anyone better than Kirby toews n Kane it just shows how much Kane really means to them because they don’t want them to get anymore cups if you cared about your team your always gonna try to win but a consolation prize is so disrespectful to the best us player in history I wouldn’t want to be there if I was Kane 🤣🤣🤣, kirby got out just in time they weren’t gonna give him any ice time any way

  6. Blackhawks mad they are stuck with twilight athletes while their stars are gone because of garbage management

  7. I never really liked Kirby but to boo a player who had no choice and got traded god I hate my own hawk fans lol

  8. He also got some in the crowd cheering him after the goal. He is a good player and deserves to have been taken notice in Chicago, especially how he was treated in his development and injury issues.

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