@Flames de Calgary

Fil du match : Flames de Calgary (9-8-3) @ Hurricanes de la Caroline (10-6-5)

**Heure :** 14h00 HNR (16h00 HNE) **Lieu :** PNC Arena – Raleigh, Caroline du Nord. **TV :** SN — **Jeu à boire :** * Flames wild hors saison mentionné – *boisson* * Lindholm marque depuis son bureau – *boisson* * Looooooooch – *boisson* * Huberdeau tourne – *boisson * * Grand arrêt de Markstrom/Vladar – *boisson* * Tyler va top titty – *chug* * Scores de la 4e ligne – *chug* * But en infériorité numérique – *chug* * Pénalité au-dessus du verre – **finir et remplir** * Combat – **Terminer et remplir** * Rooney ou Weegar marquent leur premier score en tant que Flame – **Terminer et remplir** _______ #[Discord](http://discord.gg/calgaryflames)



  1. Steve78293

    Guess who’s gonna ride the bench now?

  2. TravisTouchdown_51

    Sloppy play/coverage in front of Vladar, what else is new.

  3. canadam

    That is one of the worst turnovers I’ve seen in a very long time.

  4. scottish_pro

    wow. horrible turnover. just wow

  5. TwoDimensionalCube83

    Backlund sucks and Dube with the horrible giveaway

  6. Vensamos

    That’s what constant turnovers will do to you. HOLD POSESSION

  7. having-nunavut

    Maybe worst turnover so far this year?

  8. NotFuryRL

    I blame my internet for us getting scored on. It decided to shit the bed and freeze and naturally of course, I get a notification that we got scored on

  9. OlympicMuffins

    This team is horrendous right now

  10. TravisTouchdown_51

    Stone looking like his old self.

  11. cartographer721

    Seriously with that turnover?

  12. GooseDevito

    Our “second” line really seems to have become a problem lately

  13. Rulebreaker15

    Bread was not where he needed to be that whole shift.

  14. thickestdolphin

    Mangiapane has not been playing his best hockey this road trip. Where’s the road bread?

  15. Ridin_the_GravyTrain

    The moment I change channels after watching my Huskies lose the Vanier Cup to Laval and would ya look at that, the Canes score

    Fuck today I guess

  16. CaptinDerpII

    Our second line has had some horrendous turnovers recently

  17. TravisTouchdown_51

    Honestly I don’t get why so much of our fanbase has a hard on for Stone, aside from his shot he’s below average in every category.

  18. Comfortable-Ad-7158

    Vladdy fresh out of the washing machine and left out to dry.

  19. natenicholson

    Seriously really missing the crispyness we had last year

  20. gotkube

    Was running late getting home. Turned the TV on… Canes goal. FFS

  21. super6646

    Stone isn’t a regular top 6 nhl dman. Ik he gets love for his shot, but let’s be real here.

    Honestly, I wouldn’t hate Poirier getting a few games at some point. I’d bet my left nut he won’t, but hey.

  22. BleedingBlue44

    I own huberdeau in fantasy… is the consensus amongst Calgary fans that he shouldn’t be playing behind ruzicka and dube? I’ve about had it with sutter so just wondering if everyone else has too

  23. Steve78293

    Bread should’ve signed that long term contract because he ain’t getting shit after the next three years

  24. OlympicMuffins

    It’s comical how much we don’t have the puck when Huby is on the ice. Pleeease get him off that line

  25. RanchoLover

    We are really good at making other teams’ defences look good

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