@Predators de Nashville

Prédateurs @ Oilers 03/11/21 | Faits saillants de la LNH

Faits saillants prolongés des Predators de Nashville aux Oilers d’Edmonton


  1. Damn, this team is looking fantastic this year. If the Goaltending situation tightens up a bit Edmonton is definitely a cup contender this year.

  2. One of these days McDavid is going to have a night that all of his chances go in and he’s gonna break Sittlers record for points in a game

  3. Koskinen in his 3rd year is starting to look like an nhl starter. Putting solid games in and finding some consistency.

  4. Wow! The oilers are on fire! Draisital is a unselfish player always a good leader. Mcdavid on the power play is unstoppable. The oilers power play is always unbelievable. This is why i love the oilers so much!

  5. I actually had to watch 30 seconds plus of ads just to skip and see the empty net goals ffs

  6. All those goals he scored from that spot as one timer. Weird but it looks like near un defendable even though all teams know he‘s sneaking around and will be set up by his teammates

  7. Zach Hyman Is the definition of an impact player who may not always show up on the score sheet! Definitely worth the pay cheque in Edmonton!!!

  8. Draisaitl so close to a hatty back to back games but the unselfish by him was outstanding!!

  9. Draisaitl passing the puck with two goals and an empty net is the height of selfless play. Anyone else would've shot that puck to try for the hat trick, especially two goals up with only three minutes left.

  10. First goal, does Draisaitl ever miss from that position. His accuracy is incredible.

  11. The Oilers may finally have some good support players for McDavid and Draisaitl. And Pekka Rinne is still too good right now….oops sorry Connor Ingram is in goal for the Predators! 😁

  12. I wonder how many commenters are deep throating Draisaitl for passing on that empty net hmm let's see

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