@Canucks de Vancouver

Thomas Drance sur le classement de la formation des Canucks après 20 matchs et leur voyage sur la route

Thomas Drance de The Athletic s’est joint aux gars pour discuter de son article avec Harm classant l’alignement des Canucks après 20 matchs et leur road trip commençant par une victoire à Denver.


  1. It is incomprehensible that the Canucks are 3 points out of a playoff spot😮. BUT there are 5 teams still ahead of them that they need to climb over to reach a playoff spot. False hope?

  2. Okay I am going to throw out a controversial topic for potential discussion…the Olympics, FIFA, and govts in the west have banned Russia from their events and Russians citizens entering their countries. With this mind is it not unreasonable that Canadian and US govts should consider banning Russian players from North America if they don't publicly denounce the war and that Russia has become a terrorist state? Just asking after seeing the tragic news from Ukraine that Russia continues to target hospitals, schools, residential homes, and utility infrastructure.

  3. Geez Horvat is almost a goal a game but his "underlying numbers are horrible". Who the hell cares. The puck is going in the net, thats all that matters. These analytics goofs sound like idiots

  4. I think if Demko can turn things around, this team still has a good chance of sneaking in a as a wild card team (it has too much fire power up front not to). The defence is a sham and that is on Rutherford and Allvin, not on Boudreau.

  5. Bo Horvat deserves a B+ at least, Drance. We are glad you are not a teacher but just a famous media personnel!

  6. Last 10 games are very hopeful. In fact if they play the next 10 the same they probably climb into a play off spot. Then in 10 games we can grade Thomas Drance.

  7. Learned something new about the history of Vancouver canucks
    Goaltending if I was the president

  8. coming from drance nothing he says is worth a hill of beans. Flip a coin thats a better indicator. This guy is not a hockey expert. Hes a marketing person not a hockey mind.

  9. Ah yes, the guy who failed as a public relations rep in Florida giving (terrible) advice on how to build a Stanley cup winning team yet again. I understand why Drance and his squabbling band of trolls are always so upset, it must be frustrating regurgitating the same b-grade advice for years and never seeing anyone with authority over more than a twitter account pay even the slightest attention. I can also definitely understand why no one in the Canucks organization has payed devoted even a second of their attention to the lunatic making unhinged rants at them and using teams as example for what he wants the Canucks to do that literally did the opposite of what he's suggesting. Maybe if someone with a modicum of legitimacy to their opinion suggested a rebuild then management might have listened.

  10. Agree with Drance on the Horvat grade. Bo is going very well but he’s a limited player. I waver on what the Canucks should do in light of the 7-year Miller extension. I don’t see how they can double down on both Horvat and Miller and hope to have the cap space to address other needs. And if those guys are around, how do they get the top picks they need to improve – they won’t finish far enough down. They could look to the farm but….

  11. Did you notice the change on the powerplay? Hughes and Pettersson switched positions and caused havoc. The Avalanche PK took on attributes indicative of multiple geometric shapes.

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