@Devils du New Jersey

Un fan des Capitals et collectionneur de Jack s’arrête pour féliciter son premier tour du chapeau en carrière!

Un fan des Capitals et collectionneur de Jack s’arrête pour féliciter son premier tour du chapeau en carrière!



  1. seakucumber

    [About a year and a half ago was my last visit to this sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/devils/comments/nnvtyh/capitals_fan_with_a_jack_hughes_collection_update/). With the Caps not doing too hot this year, it has been extra fun to cheer for Jack. I started buying up his rookie cards after his rookie season because I was shocked how cheap they were. I saw people write him off as a 2C at best which did not line up with what I saw. So I started buying and really haven’t stopped since. Here is my current collection minus a piece or two.

    Go Jack!

    (Also if mods don’t appreciate these kinds of posts during the season, my bad)

  2. septimus29

    Those 10s will fetch you a pretty penny one day

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