@Kings de Los Angeles

Claude Giroux fait une belle Deke en échappée pour marquer OT-Winner contre Kings

Regardez l’attaquant des Sénateurs d’Ottawa Claude Giroux s’élancer en échappée sur une belle passe de son coéquipier Tim Stutzle et faire une passe habile pour enterrer le vainqueur des prolongations devant le gardien des Kings de Los Angeles Jonathan Quick.


  1. nasty pass, nasty goal
    no way ottawa actually won 2 in a row lmao

  2. Doughty caught with a low hockey IQ in no mans land and Quick looked not patient enough…

  3. I mean Giroux's goal was wonderful, but Stutzle deserves the title of this video. Damn what a pass!

  4. Reminder that Tim Stützle was drafted 3rd overall behind a 3rd line LW and a C who hasn't established himself as a full time NHL player. Point a game C who is top of the draft class in goals and points by 18G, and 36pts.

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