@Sharks de San José

Le Tricolore a un ÉNORME problème… | HEATED Habs vs Sharks Jeu Réaction

0:00 Intro 0:28 Canadiens vs Sharks Game Réaction QU’EST-CE QUE C’ÉTAIT? C’est quoi ce Powerplay ?? Devrions-nous Fire Burrows? Peut-être. C’est tout simplement ridicule à ce stade. Marquez un but et préparez une défense… Josh Gosse décompose le match du 29 novembre entre les Canadiens de Montréal et les Sharks de San Jose ! Josh Gosse discute du match du 29 novembre des Canadiens de Montréal et des Sharks de San Jose. Canadiens vs Sharks 29 novembre 2022 Rejoignez le Digest Media Discord!: https://discord.gg/MeVay9egPx #habs #gohabsgo


  1. It's a young team we all have to have patience. But I do have to say I'm not so sold on St Louis as being a good coach

  2. I dont think anyone should have gotten too excited about the Win vs last place Chicago recently. Blackhawks are a terrible team, but a win is a win, even in S/O. So was this loss to the lowly Sharks really all that surprising? Not when you consider they got blown out vs Sabres within the last week. This is what we get when we have so many rookies and younger players, a dismal PP unit, a Head Coach who is still learning on the job and way to many veteran players not doing much of anything (Anderson, Armia, Gally, Drouin etc etc etc) Oh and by the way, the schedule for the Habs is about to get a whole lot tougher over the next few weeks. So things have the potential to get a lot worse, before they get better.

  3. Why do you want your want your "hopes high" for a win? Shouldn't you accept there will be growing pains? Besides, they need to adopt the "Shanaplan" and lose many more than they win and secure a depot 8n the Draft Lottery. Patience Mon ami!

  4. What is Gallagher doing on the power play? He is a fourth line grinder at best… The hot goalie should get the net and it ain’t Allen right now.

  5. I think some of you guys have gone a little bit delusional. Xhekaj is a great player and a fun personality and all but he's not the difference maker for this team he's not a elite shutdown defensemen or a great puck mover. He is physical which is nice but he also pays the price leading the team in penalty minutes. And if you have watched the games he has had more defensive lapses than our other rookie defensemen. I don't think other teams are scared or intimidated by him over any other typical NHL tough guy. And I think the Habs have much bigger problems than who we choose to have play the 5th and 6th D spots. I think he can be a great player in the NHL but he's not there yet and he's definitely not the reason the Habs are winning or losing games right now.

  6. Alex Burrows needs to go. The powerplay is his baby and he has done nothing to improve it. Too much talent to be a bottom team with the man advantage. Please ride Montembeault and staple Allen's ass to the bench.

  7. It sucks that Allen has had a couple bad games, and a lot of people are starting to talk about trading him, "we dont need him, we have Montembeault". I GUARANTEE Allen is the better goalie, and Montembeault wont keep going at the pace he is going. I like Montembeault, dont get me wrong, but Allen is the better goalie. It just happens that Allen is struggling right now, and Monty has picked up the "puck" and ran with it. Also our pp is WAY too predictable, we do the same thing EVERY break-out, someone skates up to our blue line, maybe even to center, then they drop the puck back for Suzuki, EVERY-TIME! Then Suzuki skates in with it, and once they do get set up, it's get the puck to Caufield, it used to be this way with Weber. We'd always want to get him the puck, and teams dont take long to catch on to things like that. Teams can't really practice power plays either, it's too hard, the team playing the D side, always knows exactly what the team on offense is going to do, so it's hard to react naturally to it. But we need to do something, this isn't a new problem, im starting to think we could have McDavid at center, Matthews and Oven-chicken on the wings, with Makar and Hedman on the blue line, and we'd still suck at the pp! lol. SOMETHING needs to be done, as I said, this isn't a new problem, we've sucked at the pp for a long-ass time. Imagine how many more games we'd win, if we could be in the top of the league with pp points. It could make the difference between a W and a L in a lot of games, or bring u to OT anyway, at least one point.

  8. The PP was also terrible last season. There have been a few games in which Montreal were 0-5, 0-6. I'm frankly surprised Burrows is still there. Need to change up the formation sometimes with two on the points. Teams know to close off the pass from the point or across the seam from Suzucki to Caufield. The veteran D have been horrendous. Savard looked good early on paired with Guhle but the new pairings have been terrible. Guhle got turned around on the first goal maybe because his natural position is LD. Edmundson and Matheson both turn the puck over constantly, and are usually behind the play, perhaps because they're not at game speed because of injuries. The best pairing tonight was Harris and Kovacevic. I would like to see Marty go back to Savard-Guhle. Montreal's D looked much better at the beginning of the season with the 4 rookies in the lineup.
    Time to change up the top lines. Shut down Suzucki, Caufield and Dache and there's no secondary scoring.
    I've wanted to see 1st Caufield-Suzucki-Monahan, 2nd Slafkovsky-Dache-Anderson.
    One more thing about the PP tonight. Habs had the whole 2nd intermission to talk about what they were going to do on the 5-3 for almost a full minute to begin the 3rd and had no jump, energy or urgency. Simply looked pathetic.

  9. Gallagher is terrible. Outside of the crossbar shot, he doesnt generate anything, he doesnt win any 1on1 battle and he does not have any endurance to play defensive hockey either on the backcheck or in zone coverage.

  10. I 👍 agree totally ,and I ve been saying since Burrows has been here . He might be a nice guy ,but he hasn't cut it for the powerplay, and he s had more time than most get to fix it. I think it was a mistake to place him in the n h l in the first place. He didn't prove himself yet in the a h l . So it was a mistake from day 1 . Not everyone is . M S L.

  11. One problem that has been repetitive game after game with the power play, is that the five man unit generally is not mobile enough at times to open up a different variety of passing lanes to the inside scoring areas, which leads to being boxed out to the perimeter with no time and space, and having to play catch back and forth twenty million times between two or three players. You nailed it, the entire planet knows that we're trying to dish the puck to Caufield on the cross seam one timer feed, so it seems like it's an easy coverage plan for the other teams, cover Caufield, the front of the net bumper spot, so theirs only one shooting lane open for Nick from the top of the face off circle, with goalie having a clear view, no one in front of him. On the off season, a lot of people were explaining how Matheson was really mobile on the power play in Pittsburgh, and how he helped create a lot of high danger scoring chances because of that. Haven't completely seen that from him yet at times. Maybe with time that will be an element that helps to bring this power play together. Slafkovsky's definitely starting to understand that he can use his size to his advantage to gain inside position on players now at this level, I think that he's also really understanding the right times, to be in good pockets of space in the offensive zone more. He's definitely coming along.

  12. Come on, Jake Allen is not a number one. He has moments but he isn't consistent. I said it last year and the year before, yet everyone finds excuses for him. What's worse is that when he doesn't do great Montembeau is categorized with him as "the goalies has had some tough games', yet Montembeau is playing a lot better.

  13. Imo, Xekaj not playing recently comes down to them trying to get Edmundson going so they can showcase him for a trade. Im not too upset with losses these days as a Habs fan, when they win its usually on the strength of the kids wich is great for development, when we lose i look at it like getting closer to that top 5 pick so meh

  14. SJ has the best PK in the league by a margin. Not having Arber has a psychological effect. Passes went the wrong way, missed wide open one-timer opportunities. Growing pains of rebuild and there's still deadweight on the team that takes time to solve….

  15. It seems to me that it was a good thing my phone was flat so I could not read any updates from the NHL app or by tweets on Twitter as thw game started at 11 am – Australian Eastern Daylight (Savings) Time or AEDT.

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