@Ligue nationale de hockey

Pour ceux qui disent s’éclaircir sur les propos tenus par Jack Edwards hier soir, c’est là le problème. Nous savons que Maroon est un athlète et entend bien pire. Mais les personnes qui écoutent et qui peuvent souffrir d’image corporelle n’ont pas besoin d’entendre cela. Tu as une plate-forme Jack, fais mieux

Pour ceux qui disent s’éclaircir sur les propos tenus par Jack Edwards hier soir, c’est là le problème. Nous savons que Maroon est un athlète et entend bien pire. Mais les personnes qui écoutent et qui peuvent souffrir d’image corporelle n’ont pas besoin d’entendre cela. Tu as une plate-forme Jack, fais mieux



  1. TAway69420666

    How dare an athlete be criticized for their fitness! I am outraged!

  2. CJMcCubbin

    Jack Edwards is horrible. Period

  3. erasedhead

    Jack is a cad and a fool. He is the announcer equivalent of hearing that dumb guy spout his opinions at the wall while you wait for the bus. Silence would be an improvement. So would tinnitus.

  4. 9rimreaper

    So it’s okay for fans to openly shit on Marchand’s appearance and constantly associate Phil Kessel with hot dogs but it’s over the line to make a comment about Maroon and pizza?

  5. foundtheloser

    i think jacks been slipping away mentally for a few years now. surprised he still has a job. past couple years its been getting really tough to listen to him. really annoying peppered with sadness.

  6. TyperMcTyperson

    Jack is a stupid, unprofessional cunt. He can’t do any better.

  7. stnlycp778

    Jack Edwards is by far the worse announcer in sports. He’s a complete idiot.

  8. Just an unacceptable thing to say as a broadcaster

  9. BDCMatt

    you must have it pretty peachy if this is kind of stuff you want to complain about on public forums.

  10. Lavelios2

    How this guy even has a job all these years just baffles me

  11. ndmooney13

    How soft do you have to be to be offended by these comments? He’s talking about the man’s size and weight directly after complimenting how he uses his size. He also ended his comments by saying clearly this man knows what he’s doing since he’s won 3 straight cups….

    Jack Edwards is phenomenal and one of the most colorful color commentators in any sport, full stop.

    But no, let’s be offended FOR someone else who honestly couldn’t have cared less. Trash media representation to blow up 2 sentences of in game commentary strictly for the sake of being divisive.

  12. Gonzo2095

    Fuck Jack Edwards he is a disgraceful cunt.

    Something similar happened to the Blue Jays catcher (Alejandro Kirk) during the regular season, some cunt journalist fat shamed him.

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