@Flyers de Philadelphie

Torts presseur aujourd’hui….

[Torts presser from today.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0uEuFG3koYI) Vraiment intéressant à partir de 3:24. Il reconnaît même que ce n’est pas une solution d’un an. Il me semble qu’il est là pour le long terme et qu’il veut mener à bien cette reconstruction. Je vois qu’il l’utilise cette année, non pas comme un travail de tank complet, mais pour déterminer sur qui il peut et ne peut pas compter pour faire partie du processus de reconstruction. Les pensées?



  1. Micksar

    “I know some other things were said out here before I came in. Hasn’t changed my thinking as far as what I think needs to be done here. This team needs to be built. It needs to be built from the footers, we’re not even at the foundation. We’re at the footer position.”

    Smells like Bedard or Fantilli to me, boys and girls.

  2. dylan1123

    I don’t think any of the past few coaches the Flyers have had would consider telling Chuck that a certain player “isn’t a flyer”. Is Chuck going to listen to Torts and make moves based on that? Who knows. But I think Chuck knows he’s probably getting canned too if this experiment with Torts doesn’t work out. Overall I’m loving Torts so far, accountability and realistic expectations are something this team has been in desperate need of.

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