@Flyers de Philadelphie

Sans plan clair pour réussir, les fans des Flyers sont-ils trop fidèles ? | Le meilleur des spectacles? REGARD URGENTE MAINTENANT.

Sans plan clair pour réussir, les fans des Flyers sont-ils trop fidèles ? | Le meilleur des spectacles? REGARD URGENTE MAINTENANT.



  1. BounceMan69

    WE NEED TO BOYCOTT NOW. Force change with actions and our money.

  2. OldDrumGuy

    People need to remember that Philly fans are indeed loyal to a fault. We take the shitty seasons and long runs of losses, yet still sell out the stadium.
    It’s just how we are. The last thing you’ll see us do is hop on a bandwagon.
    People hate us and we don’t care.😉

  3. GimmickyBulb

    They’re just gonna write off your boycott on their taxes as a business loss. Go cheer for another team if you’re that dissatisfied. That was always allowed.

  4. Flyers456

    People are still loyal? I thought we all stopped that as protest of the comcast Flyers. We are owned by a network and I can’t watch every game. Prices have been going up to go to a game every year pretty much with us going no where for 10 years. I gave them last year but just can’t do it. I will watch them when I its on but not going out of my way and will go if its a free ticket and a good game but not about to spend money on tickets then another $100 at the game to watch the same bad product for another year. The injuries are not the only problem so don’t try that one.

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