@Blackhawks de Chicago

Histoire des Blackhawks de Chicago, mise à jour des séries éliminatoires de la Coupe Stanley et finalistes des prix de la LNH | CHGO Blackhawks

C’est le jeudi de retour, nous allons donc plonger dans le livre d’histoire des Blackhawks de Chicago pour nous souvenir du rugissement des années passées. De plus, nous faisons le tour des séries éliminatoires de la Coupe Stanley et découvrons des nouvelles sur les prix de la LNH. Jay Zawaski, Greg Boysen et Mario Tirabassi font bouger les choses sur le podcast CHGO Blackhawks. ABONNEZ-VOUS : https://www.youtube.com/c/CHGOSports SITE WEB : http://allCHGO.com/ ACHETER DES MARCHANDISES : http://CHGOLocker.com SUIVEZ SUR LES SOCIAUX : Twitter : @CHGO_Sports Instagram : @CHGO_Sports OBTENEZ NOTRE GRATUITEMENT NEWSLETTER: http://www.allchgo.com/newsletter Visitez https://bit.ly/3sE8RMe ou téléchargez l’application PointsBet, effectuez un dépôt et utilisez le code « CHGO » pour obtenir 2 paris sans risque jusqu’à 2000 $, un an Adhésion CHGO et une chemise gratuite ! L’enregistrement mobile dans l’Illinois est arrivé ! Athletic Greens vous offrira un approvisionnement GRATUIT d’un an en vitamine D de soutien immunitaire ET 5 packs de voyage GRATUITS avec votre premier achat. Visitez simplement https://athleticgreens.com/CHGOBlackhawks Visitez https://stravacraftcoffee.com et utilisez le code « CHGO25 » pour obtenir 25 % de votre commande.

1 Comment

  1. I think most broadcasters get a bad rap. Then again,I never liked John Madden…most people did. I appreciate the contribution he made to football,but I didn't like how he got on tangents,& would seemingly forget the game was going on. I understand that he was entertaining,& his simplistic style,broke it down for casual fans,but I felt like I was at a bar,& the old drunk who was always at the end of the bar-was announcing the game.

    Then again,Im the guy who tells my friends,& family it doesn't mean a national announcer hates your team…their job isn't to fawn over our Colorado Avalanche at every turn. They are national guys,not local homers. I personally have no problem with Darren Pang,for example-doing the Avs-Blues series,just cuz he's a Blues color guy. I think he does a good job of trying to be unbiased,& "hiding" the fact that he is certainly gonna pull for the Blues,as he should. But I think he does a fair job of trying to be balanced both ways,but people are so used to the local homers,& once they find out Pang has done Blues games forever…suddenly he is a homer. If anything,I think sometimes he goes too far the other way.

    I personally don't like homer announcers. Of course on every local broadcast,you will get some of that,& to a point…they should be somewhat of homers… obviously you want them pulling for the team. But I also want honesty,& them to hold the team accountable. I think Dave Logan,who does our local Bronco games-strikes a great balance of that. On the other hand,I usually like the Avalanche radio guy,except he is as shameless of homer,as you will ever hear. Rarely calls out the team,& constantly is crying about the refs,& bad luck. And what really drives me insane -I feel like he rarely credits the opponent,when it is appropriate. I want you to pull for the team,but I don't want you to lie to me,insult my intelligence,or blame every opposing goal on bad luck or referees.

    As a national broadcaster,the job description is completely different. But I completely agree on Gary Thorne. He is,& will always be-my favorite hockey announcer ever… probably announcer overall,though Jim Nantz would be up there also. But I didn't start closely following the NHL,until the Avs came to Denver,& I was 19. And while I also like Steve Levy,& Pang…Thorne is just who I associate with those glory days of the Avs,& height of the Red Wings-Av rivalry. I actually associate those games,with Gary Thorne. Ya knew it was a big game when ya heard his voice come on. If it was Western Conference Finals-Avs vs Red Wings…ya knew Thorne was gonna be on the call,& just used to give me chills.

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