@Blue Jackets de Columbus

Jakub Voracek a reçu un diagnostic de commotion cérébrale après le match du 4 novembre en Finlande et est absent pour une durée indéterminée. Jake Bean a un labrum déchiré et est absent 4 à 6 mois. Zach Werenski a également un labrum déchiré et est absent pendant 6 mois.

Jakub Voracek a reçu un diagnostic de commotion cérébrale après le match du 4 novembre en Finlande et est absent pour une durée indéterminée. Jake Bean a un labrum déchiré et est absent 4 à 6 mois. Zach Werenski a également un labrum déchiré et est absent pendant 6 mois.



  1. NontransferableApe

    Full 6 months for a labrum for werenski. That labrum tear must’ve been gnarly

  2. Beartoes1

    Fuck man, I just hope Jake is healthy long term beyond hockey at this point

  3. Jake is most likely done for good. Really wish he could have been with us for the bulk of his career

  4. tailford07

    That does not sound good regarding Voracek. I really hope he takes the rest of the season off for his own sake. It’s simply not worth the risk of his long term health. If you’ve never read the Players Tribune article by Marc Savard about coming back and playing after multiple concussions, I recommend it. We definitely need to prioritize Jake Voracek the human over Jake Voracek the hockey player.

  5. jeffwolfe

    Rick Nash played his 1060th and final game at age 33 in 2018. He retired the following year due to persistent concussion symptoms.

    Jake Voracek is 33. He has played 1058 games. I hope he suffers a better fate than Nash, but the parallels are remarkable.

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