@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Les 10 meilleurs moments des années 90 des Maple Leafs de Toronto

Jetez un coup d’œil à ce que Sportsnet considère comme les meilleurs moments des Maple Leafs de Toronto dans les années 1990. Votre moment préféré a-t-il fait partie de la liste ? ———————————————- Abonnez-vous à Sportsnet sur YouTube – http://sprtsnt.ca/2paAT2L Visitez Sportsnet.ca pour plus d’actualités sportives et de faits saillants – http://www.sportsnet.ca Suivez Sportsnet sur Facebook – http://sprtsnt.ca/YTFB Suivez Sportsnet sur Twitter – http://sprtsnt.ca/YTTWTR Suivez Sportsnet sur Instagram – http://sprtsnt.ca/YTINST Suivez Sportsnet sur Snapchat – http://sprtsnt.ca/YTSNAP Regardez Sportsnet sur Sportsnet maintenant – http://sportsnet.ca /à présent


  1. I'm so glad that Gretzky never got close to another Cup after cheating with Kerry Fraser's help in game 6. Number 1 in this video should have been us beating the Habs in the finals

  2. I have to put in my vote for the fan that's standing on his seat when Burns goes after Melrose between the benches. As Burns returns to his bench, buddy looks to see if the coast is clear, then shoots Melrose the finger, lmao ! Around the 4:13 min mark.

  3. Leafs Captain then, 1992 & 1993 seasons ….Wendel Clark. Leafs Captain in 2018, Nobody, 2019 Captain is Tavares, who left the game with a broken finger, stays out, and is NOT the most popular selection for Captain by his teammates !! Especially Morgan Reilly

  4. Still remember the 80s to mid 90s if Toronto was not pulling off those 2 trades to get Gilmore n sundin, Toronto would have still been miserable with failed prospects. Those high hopes including Russ courtnall, damphouse, etc never turned out.
    Still, I dun know why Clark was rated so high, well probably only in Toronto would be

  5. not a leafs fan but this was an excellent video! maple leafs had some exciting, competitive teams in the 1990's. '93, 94, '99 (and '02) conference finals appearances. kind of unfortunate that they couldn't have made the final any of those years but especially '93 would have been a big deal.

    just imo the video should have included glenn anderson's ot goal against the la kings back in 1993.
    cheers from southern ontario 🍁

  6. Amazing video even greater times. 90’s era was beautiful. Miss it dearly!

  7. And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: (Hebrews 9:27)
    The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. (2 Peter 3:9)
    I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish. (Luke 13:5)
    And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent: (Acts 17:30)

  8. Quebec Nordiques fan who really enjoy the Burns years with Toronto , Gilmour . RIP Pat Burns !

  9. As much as Wendel Clark was revered, why is that trade for him on the top 10? That trade cost the Leafs getting Roberto Luongo in the draft?

  10. Getting Killer was one of the best trades the Buds pulled off in the modern era.He was such a game changer.

  11. Can't believe I haven't seen #8 before. Handing Gartner his stick back was amazing. How haven't I been constantly bombarded with that highlight in the last 25 years from the biased TO centric media lol.

  12. There is no more beloved players in Toronto Maple Leafs history than Wendel Clark and Doug Gimour. The last and only time i was every proud to be a leaf fan that includes all of the Sundin years. The last time the Leafs actually had passion and played with heart.

  13. I was a security supervisor at Maple Leaf Gardens and was at all of the games shown plus the closing on February 13th 1999. Great memories.😃👍🏾

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