@Oilers d'Edmonton

Podcast « McD et Drai mènent les Oilers dans la victoire contre les Canadiens » de The Cult of Hockey

Faisons cela! Le balado Cult of Hockey. Par les fidèles et pour les fidèles, ce soir avec Bruce McCurdy et David Staples. Ils creusent dans la victoire 5-3 d’Edmonton sur le Tricolore de Montréal


  1. They are not aggressive & gritty enough on their PK… i.e. they do need a Russel.

  2. Sorry but everyone jumping on Campbell on his play, better take a look at the bigger picture! 2 of those Montreal goals skinner should have had those easily covered!!! The one skinner could clearly see and the other skinners put his position in a terrible spot and left himself wide open!!! So his play isn’t that much better then Campbell, if skinner was having shout out games ok different story but pretty much every game has been minimal 2 goal against oilers!!! Have yet to have a shoutout game!

  3. Do I agree with everything Gary and the NHL are right now…no, but you cannot deny the parody in this league. Awesome win though, hopefully they have a good home stand.

  4. It is so good to see Connor starting to get breakaways again. I missed them and just love it when he puts them in. Poor Zach just can't seem to get a goal .. they are called back or the goalie is stopping them. They will come though.

  5. It is nice to see Oilers got a win but the Habs are all over the Oilers tonight.
    I hope the 3/4 injured players come back soon because the bottom 6 are hard to watch.

  6. 21:15 – Even if all the Oilers' dmen are healthy and available and playing at or near their best, this team STILL needs an upgrade on defense way before they need another impact forward. The defense, as constructed, is not a Stanley Cup contending defense. I think it's possible to be a contender with one rookie (and Bouchard is still a rookie with regards to his level of experience), but not two. They need, at bare minimum, one top-4 veteran 2-way dman, who is hard to play against. Realistically, they need two more of those to be serious post-season contenders.

  7. My 2 good things, Skinner keeping play alive on power play that led to an Oilers goal and secondly that David has no apparent permanent damage as the result of his childhood as a Hab’s fan!

  8. my good thing(s), the play of the top line/pp
    My bad thing(s) is the bottom nine, also the penalty kill. What an absolute poop show!

    My number, 5-3. A win is a win. Albeit ugly at times

  9. David… you're starting to teeter the referencing as that of 'Guru Pitka'. ™

  10. Bruce, this is your podcast. Thank you David for creating a platform to portray this man’s opinion.

  11. NMC means you can't send them down or waive them, NTC means they can't be traded or have to provide a list of where they'd accept too. I believe if Campbell was picked up on waivers (highly unlikely) he would have to agree to the team that took him or he'd be placed in Bakersfield.

  12. How immature did Nurse look on the 4-3 goal? For someone that is supposed to be a vet and a leader, that’s not the look you want.

  13. I was a hard core Leafs fan but like David that all ended in the fall of 1979 when the Oilers entered the NHL

  14. Until the current IR players get back in the groove, the team identity has to be one of a gritty underdog team with something to prove, blessed with some world-class talent in its prime.

  15. Puli can’t pass the puck? Really watch the game , when they have an outlet pass and he is there . Every player looks the other way because when he gets the puck he does two things . Passes it backwards or dumps it in and kills the play, period. Compared to most NHL players he has little to no hockey sense. Yes he is big and can forecheck I will give him that, fourth line at the very best. My prediction traded for a bag of pucks which you guys will be pissed about or he doesn’t qualify him. He can’t trade him everyone knows he has no hockey sense .

  16. Nice to see the Dairy Queen Soft Serve Defense harden up in the 3rd period. The 5th "4 point" game from McJesus this season…. he had 3 such games all of last season.

  17. Not sure why they keep playing Devin Shore. He adds absolutely nothing. And he skates around like a senior.

  18. Congrats on improving the sound balance. Only moderate ear discomfort when David gets excited

  19. Dave, your number 8 wasn't really a number, it was an excuse to mention another good thing, JP's physicality. At least put the number in some more context to show some kind of a trend or detail of note, like the mighty Bruce does. Like 8 out of 31 for a full quarter of Oiler hits on the night, and more than any single player on either team. But then he had 0/19 hits against the Wild, 1/14 against Chicago and 1/17 vs FLA, so based on that small sample, tonight's 8 hits looks like a blip. Let's hope it's a beginning.

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