@Oilers d'Edmonton

Les Oilers et le repêchage 2022 de la LNH

Les Oilers d’Edmonton ont le choix n ° 29 au total au repêchage de la LNH en 2022, puis ils ne sélectionneront plus avant le cinquième tour. Comment Ken Holland and Co. pourrait-il aborder le repêchage? Nous l’avons examiné…


  1. Unless, of course, Uncle Kenny's brain wanders off again and someone forgot to microchip it so it can be returned (and I am NOT a relative of Ken Holland). No, in all seriousness I think he trades down unless there is someone utterly fabulous at 29 sitting there for no reason I can think of. Great breakdown as always Tyler. As an aside, just want to say thanks to the entire Oilers Nation crew. You do great work (and only 80% of you need professional psychiatric help, your guess as to which 80%). Take care all.

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