@Flyers de Philadelphie

[Flyers] OFFICIEL : Les Flyers ont signé Zachary Wertz, 9 ans, pour un contrat de deux jours. Wertz, d’Egg Harbor, NJ, a reçu une greffe de foie qui a changé sa vie. Il rejoindra l’équipe pour l’entraînement d’aujourd’hui.

[Flyers] OFFICIEL : Les Flyers ont signé Zachary Wertz, 9 ans, pour un contrat de deux jours. Wertz, d’Egg Harbor, NJ, a reçu une greffe de foie qui a changé sa vie. Il rejoindra l’équipe pour l’entraînement d’aujourd’hui.



  1. animalsciences

    What a prospect! You know the front office gets a lot of shit but thankfully they locked up this kid. Can’t wait to see him on the ice. I saw reports it’s full no trade clause.

  2. He might get some time on the powerplay before Sanheim

  3. jimmyhank69

    He’s good but 2 days?? Need to see the AAV but I don’t like that term.

  4. DragoniteJeff

    Odd move, but the 2nd line needs all the help it can get.

  5. Grand-Ad7078

    Best signing by Chuck Fletcher so far

  6. I wasn’t prepared to happy cry before going into work today, but here we are.

  7. BrodysBootlegs

    Would be wild if he makes a full recovery, makes it into the NHL 12 years from now, and his agent is able to exploit a loophole in the CBA wording to count this as the start of his tenure

  8. ArcanumAntares

    Right on!

    Stories like this are a big reason why I like hockey. I don’t know the extent to which other pro sports leagues get involved with charity, I’ve seen all of them doing charity and community work for sure. It just seems like the the Flyers franchise takes it to a whole different level than most other teams and leagues. The Flyers’ Wives Fight For Lives carnival is an example of what I’m talking about.

    And there is/was a banner above the Detroit Redwings locker room entrance that says « To whom much is given, much is expected ». Damn straight.

  9. Is there a league minimum salary or per diem pay? Whatever it is, a 9 year old would probably be thrilled with it.

  10. ClearSights

    Another dumb Fletcher signing. Not surprised

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