@Ducks d'Anaheim

Canard sous couverture – Ryan Kesler

Lors d’un match de pré-saison des Ducks, plusieurs joueurs qui n’étaient pas dans l’alignement ont aidé autour du Honda Center pour surprendre les fans. Alors que ses coéquipiers étaient à pied d’œuvre, l’attaquant Ryan Kesler a décidé d’aller sous couverture pour vérifier le match. Voici ce qui s’est passé ensuite.


  1. That'd make me cry honestly!! I like Perry, Getzlaf and Kesler! Good Job Ducks I would have fallen for it! 🙂

  2. that's awesome. I'm a Sharks fan, but I will ALWAYS be a fan of players interacting with their fans like this. Good job Kelser and Ducks.

  3. Thank you for Jared McCann Anaheim Ducks, long term this guy will be a producer. The Canucks are getting younger with some great pieces. That was a great trade.

  4. Live in Ohio, not a Ducks fan, but this was TERRIFIC. I LOVE when the players give back like this. I was laughing the entire time. When people were seeing who it really was and were GASPING, it was totally, perfectly AWESOME! Well done!!!

  5. they could have just put some glasses on and none of the ducks bandwagoners would even notice.

  6. Yo ryan kesler is on my list for Favorite players cause im a canucks fan and he used to play for us god dammmit.That team was the best in 2011

  7. "he guys, its the home wrecker" ryan kesler is scum. he bangs team mates wives.. who the fuck does that to the roster… this guys a cancer…. tahts why the ducks lost… bcuz kesler prolly flirting with getzlaf wife. and perry wife….. kesler prolly has stds lol. i feel REAL SORRY for YOUR kids

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