@Oilers d'Edmonton

Podcast « Skinner brillant, Oilers ennuyeux, en perte contre Caps » de The Cult of Hockey

Faisons cela! Le balado Cult of Hockey. Par les fidèles et pour les fidèles, ce soir avec Bruce McCurdy et David Staples. Ils se souviennent de la défaite 3-2 d’Edmonton contre les Capitals de Washington.


  1. I hate Sportsnet and how badly they ruined the hockey streaming package, but I'm glad I canceled my subscription so that I didn't have to endure watching this demoralizing pile of zero-effort garbage!!!

  2. Skinner brilliant. yes somehow Bouchard, Kulak, Barrie & sometimes Cici & Nurse… are just not quite in position. Do wonder if it is just the players thinking or if Coaches have a role here?? would have been nice for the discussion to continue to a bit of a conclusion – seemed David just wanted to end it abruptly. Well team is over .500 so in the race & had a chance.

  3. Spanked!! LOL. Dria giveaway leads to the 1st goal against, and McD cheating for offence gets burned for the 2nd. Way to many bad D and brain cramps from way to many players to make this more then men vs boys. Skinner is excellent. He might even be a Koskinen.)

  4. As difficult to play against as soft-serve ice cream. They played like an exhausted rabbit being hunted by dogs. Forwards & defense gave up the puck (19 gva – that were recorded) and their positioning was an open invitation for exploitation. The PK was “mindboggling” (Rob Brown – CHED radio). Woodcroft, please stop making excuses for this team. … Oh, and I see that Broberg is learning Nurse’s "down on one knee" ice ballet moves – that’s going to help.

  5. zero effort! our players were just out wondering around with no positional play our coverage. This team is useless with Hyman/Kane! Great job Skinner!

  6. As of late, I've been subject to listen to the past few games on '630 Ched' and not since the glory years of the '80s have I been actually kool with old school hockey radio play by plays. All in all, I'm less adept to be, over fan critical, I am so liking this season's version of this team and its ever growing manifestation into a very exciting and promising outcome. Patience, Woodcroft and company are moulding this team to a very exciting powerhouse. We may not be seeing this at the moment but, hang on and lookout for the best to come.😉

  7. You better start kicking some garbage cans Coach, wake up these guys, none had much of an effort except Skinner, it could have been 9-2

  8. 3 years left of Drai.

    And it's gonna take more than money to get our two superstars to stay.

  9. Many teams' goalies would have gotten a shot-out with such a performance, Skinner "let in" 3 goals, where he didn't have alot of a chance.
    Think, we miss even more important players than the caps, right ?
    Still, what a horrible PK on the 2nd caps goal.
    3 guys cheating for offence, because McDavid just scored a SH goal ? great idea…..not.

  10. Like JP can't do anything offensively, like the play just constantly dies on his stick, seems like he is good for at least 4 dump ins a game, yamo was MEH even just mediocre.

  11. my bad thing was jack michaels trying to put lipstick on this pig and convince me that this game was was the most exciting thing he had ever seen..

  12. Caps know the Oilers are soft and they manhandled them… similar to how the Kings bully the Oilers… they were outshot by 20 shots b/c they could not control the puck and penetrate … Oilers are a power play team first and foremost. 5 on 5 offensive hockey is not what they excel at. This team is wholly reliant on the PP for success. Caps were careful not to expose themselves to Oilers PP opportunities…. that is the key to beating Edmonton..Edmonton also gives the opposition 3.92 PP's per game… that's 31st in the NHL. If you give that many PP's away per game you better have a good penalty kill…. The Oilers do not … they score themselves 1.06 goals per game on the PP but they give up 1.16 ~ BTW the oilers are minus 9 in goal differential in the 1st period… 24 to 15 goals. Their Power Play is only reason this team has an over .500 record…. It's the skillset of two guys that their success boils down to. "Top heavy" and "delicate finesse" can only win so much. Especially for a submissive team that generally can only find urgency thru deficit.

  13. Boys love your backgrounds. Glory years when the team played the way the coach wanted not the way they wanted. This in an era where they were far better than our leadership today by a country mile in every aspect. This team is gutting me and my love of Hockey. I have never seen a team that can go to such highs and then take you to the lowest of lowes's absolutely no middle ground. It looks like a sine wave of despair. I would prefer a team that shows up every night gives an honest effort and win or lose you could always walk away knowing they gave it everything they had. Injuries don't help but this is when a team should play their system hard and rely on it to get them through a tough stretch. This will not happen because the leadership thinks they know better.

  14. The big boys looked burnt out. Woodcroft seems forced to go with Tippett coaching with all the injuries on this team.

  15. what exactly is Dave Mansons job ????????? if he can't get these guys to play defence, someone else gets his job

  16. Puljujarvi… I wish we could trade him. He can’t score, can’t handle the puck… I think we now know what he’s all about. Certainly not worthy of his draft pick. He’s a good checker & that’s it.
    Also, our defence including penalty kill is so bad… And the McDavid, Draisaitl line was terrible, so they split them up.
    Have to realize they have a ton of injuries so that is a big factor.

  17. Holland may be patient but even a mad man can clearly see this dcore ran by Nurse is bottom three in the league.

  18. Man this was a bad game. Score should have been 7 to 2 for the Capitals, Stuart Skinner really played outstanding. Oilers just got stomped. I am getting nervous this team will not make the playoffs. I am willing to give a bit of pass the Oilers having weak defense. They lost Larsson who was not going to stay no matter what he was offered, Klefbom and Keith were both cut short due to injuries and you never know when that is going to happen. Why can't we get any players in our bottom 6 who can score and put points up? It's so frustrating.

  19. This was embarrassing except for Skinner, McD, Drai, Nuge, and okay moments by Holloway and Yamo. The D as a group were horrendous, terrible passing, terrible gap control, don't contest zone entries at all, and the front of our net belongs to the opposition! I know we have injuries, but this current group is not cutting it…Were Woody and Charlie anointed to soon, or is it team construction?

  20. Lol david for you to compare beer league mistakes vs pro hockey mistakes is mind boggling….they make millions of dollars man! Lol 😆. How can you feel sorry for them. Get it together.

  21. Ceci did the same thing. Just standing there looking like he was lost (literally not figuratively) and I actually wondered if he was having a heart attack or something (genuinely) because it was so long that he just stood there looking off in no useful direction. It was probably a full 'Mississippi' count or longer, then he just kind of woke up and started to get moving. Very very odd.

  22. @david Staples please take a moment to learn how to say Broberg's name. It's a few weeks now that you still can't manage to say a name that is both easy to pronounce, easy to read and reflects pretty badly on you that you can't say it after weeks.

  23. We had a very thin lineup tonight and it showed. We gave up how many breakaways? Time to get some bottom 6 guys who can at least crash and bang. Holloway looked good as did Skinner. The rest were overwhelmed by a team w even more injuries than we have.
    Boys against men, indeed.

  24. I think it's not 'over working themselves' it's the coach is playing McDavid and Drai 24min a game and they are exhausted. The rest of the team plays so little and everyone says 'why don't they score', well they don't score because they don't get ice time. There is no rythm in the bottom 6 and that's even with the deck stacked against them and they still do well they still get their minutes cut to below 10min. If I was a bottom 6 player I'd pray to be traded out of Edmonton. Edmonton is where the bottom 6 players go to end their careers, because after being sewered for x years that's really all that's left for the player. Someone like Janmark is smart, he's going to play himself into a better contract somewhere else next season and they'll put him on the 3rd line and he'll see 14+ minute a night.

  25. I felt bad for kulak on the ppg against. The caps were playing 3v1 keep away down low against him so he and skinner had next to no chance idk what the rest of the pk'ers were doing especially barrie who needed to cover Oshie not Ovi.

  26. Kinda miserable?? It was horrible. No effort no passion no intensity, something needs to change quick if not this team will be at the bottom of league. How do play like that in front of you’re home crowd it’s down right embarrassing. Jay is starting to concern me. Yikes!

  27. Nurse’s classless celebration tumble vs montreal is embarrassment as is his liability to this team.. trade nurse
    Hes not what our media portray him to be.. they are just covering up for the oilers organization terrible contract..

  28. Media continues to promote Nurse so Oilers brass don’t look stupid concerning $9 mil contract.. Nurse hurts Oil vs good teams.. this clown is 3rd pairing.. TRADE THE NURSE CURSE.. 🛑

  29. This isn’t your beer league hockey Staples 😂. Bouchard was completely lost after that failed diving stop attempt. Good young player, but certainly needs to work on his Defensive game and that D core needs some shutdown D man with size to box players out. Not sure Holland has a good plan with Broberg and Bouchard being counted on. Never replaced Larsson Klefbom properly. They need to fix that D as a priority and get another 1-2 bottom six players that are also hard to play against with no quit. Help the goalies out for crying out loud.

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