@Ducks d'Anaheim

Faits saillants de la LNH | Ouragans contre canards – 7 décembre 2022

John Gibson a repoussé 34 tirs et Ryan Strome a ramené le vainqueur du match à 1:56 en prolongation alors que les Ducks d’Anaheim ont devancé les Hurricanes de la Caroline 4-3.


  1. Вот так победа, наконец-то Дональд поёт. Конечно это мало утешит болельщиков Анахайм, но всё же, это победа.

  2. In seven out of nine games tonight, the team that was out-shot won.

  3. Не болею за какую-то команду в матче, а если воротчик российский, то переживаешь именно за него

  4. Really Canes? I'm almost done with this season 🤣 Canes are meh, Panthers are just bad and Avs getting completely derailed by injuries.

  5. Кочетков старается. Но опыта маловато, защита блоков ставит немного, а везение обходит стороной….

  6. Наконец-то победа!!!
    Хорошая игра.
    Идут по графику 1 победа, 5-6 поражений, стабильность)))

  7. Canes didnt really deserve to win this game. Played really well through 40 minutes, but you gotta play 60 to win. The fact that they didnt have a shot until well into the third period kinda showed how it was gonna go. 10 shots in the first, 20 in the second. But only 7 in the third and most, if not all were in the last 4 minutes of the period.

    Found it odd that they didnt play their best face off guy in OT. Aho losing the draw kinda set the tone. Not to mention the line change that spelled the end of the game.

  8. Canes d is suspect. Teams have figured out all you need to do is get numbers, which appears easy to do against them. Goal tenders can't beat numbers.

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