@Sabres de Buffalo

Discussion d’après-match : Sabres de Buffalo contre Blue Jackets de Columbus – 07 décembre 2022

Victoire des Sabres : 9 – 4




  1. Icommentoncrap

    Tage Thompson is a freaky monster

  2. UncleOrton

    Once we figure out how to stop getting scored on at will we are going to be insane

  3. xBialyOrzel

    Get a goalie and this is a playoff team. Get a goalie and a couple defensemen and this is a deep playoff run team.

  4. realet_

    UConn Scorenelius: Silver and Goals

  5. edit-the-sad-parts

    Tage Thompson is the best player in the NHL

  6. diabeetus-girl

    I, for one, wasn’t expecting *that*

  7. mark_dink

    Tage Thompson is definitely getting laid tonight

  8. t800rad

    So uh, hey everyone. How’s things?

  9. Tactial_snail

    Tage Thompson is better than Eichel

  10. giantpipsqueak

    Is it bad that I’m upset that Granato didn’t give Tage a chance at the end of the third to get a sixth goal?

  11. 43 year fan of the Sabres here.

    The number of people that want to bitch and moan about our goalie in a 9-4 win is fucking absurd.

    Sabres are making the playoffs this year. UPL and Levi will be the starting combo.

    We can be a buyer at the trade deadline and get whatever we need because we have a ton of assets and draft picks stocked up.

    Sabres by a billion boys. Meaningful games in March. Don’t downvote my optimism because you choose pessimism.

  12. time2fly2124

    Light the cigars boys and girls, next stop: playoffs!

  13. Green_hippo17

    Sabres are a wagon, simple as that

  14. Autobrot

    An absolute blast to watch that game, I mean… Tage keeps getting better.

  15. sunyoung-luna

    I can see this being a playoff team with just one or two changes. But I can’t be too negative after watching 9 goals in one game! We deserved that win

  16. sarcastic_man_13

    Please please please get rid of Mitts, Olofsson, and Bryson. Those 3 are dragging this team down.

  17. Krunkyjunk

    I, for one, think the Sabres should score 9 goals every game. I really like their chances at winning if they can do that.

  18. elkaroo

    I think we won the Wednesday night rivalry

  19. MidnightMass26

    Man we are really trying to go for the most goals for and against this year

  20. LeftLanePatrol

    TNT on TNT. Can’t wait until next time.

  21. tht_makes_me_moist

    The conflict with picking up a new goalie is creating a spot battle for the young guy we hopefully bring up. Obv u want a good goalie rn but do we risk not giving the best goalie prospect in recent times the proper chance?

  22. adam3vergreen

    As a buffalo native living in Columbus for the past decade+… this was both exhilarating and fun, and sad lol

  23. tamere2k

    60th time ever that a player got 5 goals in a game. This was a fucking special game.

  24. EPCOT_Is_My_Favorite

    And yet 71 and 37 were still at -2

  25. seeldoger47

    the players that are great were great tonight, but the ones who have been a problem all season long were a problem yet again.

  26. HilmDave

    The fact that Tommer was so poised and professional on his post game when inside he’s gotta be jumping up and down screaming YAY ME is why he is the future of this team. He was all about the team in his interview and didn’t even talk about the record when PHam brought it up. This kid is such a class act. Wow. So proud to be a fan right now.

  27. ultrasoured

    Can’t give up 4 goals in 2 periods when you only score 3. For a moment in the first, I thought UPL would actually get a sv % > .900. Silly me, he didn’t even crack .840

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