@Ligue nationale de hockey

Qui sont les 5 meilleurs joueurs actuels ?

Qui sont les 5 meilleurs joueurs actuels ?



  1. 75Minnesota

    This season? The last few seasons? What are we talking?

  2. Karlsonne

    Mcdavid, matthews, mackinnon, makar, draistal

  3. HolymakinawJoe

    C. McDavid

    L. Draisaitl

    J. Robertson

    L. Ullmark

    T. Thompson

  4. Silent-Level-6219

    Kessel, he may not be the best player but he’s always there when you need him.

  5. markedwardmo


  6. Graemoure

    Why isn’t Happy Gilmore on there? 😛

  7. Simoslav

    Matthews, Marner, McDavid, Makar, and MKaprizov (just wanted to keep the M theme going…)

    Kaprizov might feel a bit out of left field, but having seen the guy play in-the-flesh this year against the Sens, it’s crazy how much better he looked than every other skater on the ice. Like scary.

  8. Stale-crakers

    In no specific order:
    Mcdavid, Makar, Matthews, Robertson, Crosby

  9. Mahockey3

    McDavid, Robertson, Dahlin, Pastrnak, Ullmark (hon. Crosby and Thompson)

  10. Specialist-Pop-2276

    robo, robo, robo, robo & otter

  11. OchoDee

    McDavid, Drai, mathews, Mac, makar(not necessarily in that order)…there’s guys having great seasons but nobody is pushing these 5 out of their spots yet

  12. imDudekid

    The post says current, so I’m gonna say who’s at my top right now.

    C – McDavid

    LW – Robertson

    RW – Marner

    LD – Makar on Off Side

    RD – Fox

    G – Shesterkin

  13. bill-nye-finance-guy

    McDavid, Kucherov, Matthews, Pastrnak, Draisitl, in that order, maybe, please don’t yell at me

  14. WorthSweet2166

    Cole caufled, nick Suzuki mcdaved drysitle and dach

  15. GoatWithParkinsons

    James Robison not being in this is wrong

  16. Free_Commission6940

    Jason Robertson not being in the photo is lunacy

  17. Friechs

    McDavid and Makar is in every list no question. Then there’s some room for creativity. Just going on this season marner and Robertson then draisatl I guess. Thompson and Crosby honourable mention.

  18. GoatWithParkinsons

    Y’all tripping bro Robertson is top 2 ez

  19. FapEngineer4

    Jack Hughes has entered the chat.

  20. space-is-big

    If I had to pick 6 players to face the invading Aliens to determine the fate of the earth it would be: McDavid, Matthews, Mackinnon, Makar, Dahlin, Shesterkin.

  21. JC_5_er

    1- Mcdavid
    2- Makar
    3- Draisaitl
    4- Matthews
    5- Kucherov

  22. assistant_redditor

    5 on 5? No. 87 numero uno

  23. thibs69

    i think doing a top 5 is impossible at the current state, McDavid and Makar are the only 2 I can feel comfortable locking in but theres good arguments for everyone else to be right up there, and by everyone else, the likes of Robertson, Thomson, Pasta, Matthews, Marner, Drais, Crosby, Mackinnon Kuch and Kaprizov. all good arguments that IMO make it too hard to whittle down

  24. JoeyKnishx

    Bias but Tage Thompson is top 5 right this second. Not saying it will last, but hes playing better than almost everyone not named McDavid in his last 20 games

  25. Nigules

    Damn, the Kuch disrespect is unreal here. The objective top five are McDavid, MacKinnon, Matthews, Draisaitl, and Kucherov. Anyone saying otherwise is falling for recency bias. Tage and Robertson are having great years so far, but that does not make them top five players.

  26. Fastsmitty47

    Tage Thompson, Connor McDavid, Mitch Marner, Jason Robertson, and David Pastrnak

  27. JackoNumeroUno

    Karlsson’s gotta make it for me.

  28. CarterBennett

    Tage being in this photo is such a bait hahaha.

    Him being before Kaprizov, Panarin, Barkov etc is wild.

  29. DungeonMaster45

    Linus Ulmark- 15-1, 1.82 gaa, 0.939 sv%
    Conor McDavid – obvious reasons
    Cake Makar – best offensive d in a long time
    Tage Thompson – 6’-7” player with hands – 21 goals in 26 games.
    Leon Draisaitl – best power forward in the game.

  30. RodgerMcDodgersons

    Definitely not the Leafs players, Horvat or Oettinger

  31. No_Cycle5101

    McDavid, lucic, kassian,Hathaway

  32. DowntownLizard

    How tf are matthews and marner on this when mackinnon and kaprizov arent

  33. jdw62995

    Mcdavid, draisaitl, Robertson, vasy, Makar

  34. jcnyc36

    Keep sleeping on the Devils. It’ll be better that way.

  35. Alarming_Tell1208

    5 is nearly impossible, but McDavid, Robertson, Pastrnak, Makar, Fox

    Draisatl, Mackinnon, and Oettinger close behind

  36. busta_wolf

    How you gonna put otter and not robo

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