@Sabres de Buffalo

Tage Thompson est-il le visage des Sabres de Buffalo? | Superstar montante de la LNH (analyse du développement de la LNH)

Tage Thompson est sur une ascension remarquable pour devenir l’une des meilleures superstars de la LNH ! Combien de points aura-t-il d’ici la fin de la saison 2022-2023 de la LNH? Est-ce que Thompson est le visage des Sabres de Buffalo? Que pensez-vous de Tage Thompson ? Abonnez-vous pour plus de contenu NHL ➩ https://youtube.com/c/YoungGunsPodcast?sub_confirmation=1 ➤ BET99 Register Link ➩ https://bet99.com/en/sport-betting?modal=register&btag=youngguns1 Code ➩ youngguns1 Doit être 19+ | Jouez de manière responsable ➤ THE MIND FOUNDATION CANADA Faites un don aujourd’hui ! ➩ https://themindfoundationcanada.org/ Aidez à faire avancer la recherche neurologique! ➤ MÉDIAS SOCIAUX • Tik Tok ➩ https://www.tiktok.com/@younggunspodcast • Twitter ➩ https://twitter.com/yngguns_podcast?s=11&t=872pQ5VfdYUeNPynPx1S0A ➤ Demandes commerciales UNIQUEMENT ynggpodcast@gmail.com Avertissement légal de la FTC – Certains liens trouvés dans la boîte de description de la vidéo peuvent être des liens d’affiliation, ce qui signifie que nous percevons une commission sur les ventes que les téléspectateurs réalisent via le lien. Ceci est sans frais supplémentaires pour vous si vous utilisez nos codes. Bienvenue sur le podcast Young Guns ! Nous ne sommes que 3 amis qui parlent des perspectives de la LNH, des nouvelles, des rumeurs, des échanges, etc. Qui sait, peut-être que l’invité spécial occasionnel se joindra à nous. #tagethompson #buffalosabres #sabres #rasmusdahlin #owenpower #peytonkrebs #jeffskinner #dylancozens #jackquinn #nhl #nhlnews #nhlpredictionstoday #nhlprediction #nhlpredictions #nhl #nhlrumors #nhlrumours #buffalo


  1. They have several players that could be the face of the franchise… Teir 1: Tage, Cozens, Dahlin. Teir 2: Tuch. Then they still have all these kids that who knows high their ceiling is and could be a future face of the franchise; Power, Quinn, Peterka, Savoie, Levi… (Krebs, hopefully gets his game going)..

  2. I am a long-time Sabres fan and I think that Robertson and Thompson are two of the brightest young players in the game. Their respective franchises are fortunate to have them. I remember when the O’Reilly trade went down that there was a great hue and cry over it and how the general consensus was
    That we had been fleeced. I believe that theory has been put to rest.

  3. 7:42 "He won't win any individual awards this year…"
    You might be wrong about that. (*I did say "might").
    We'll see.

  4. Sabres and The Buffalo Bills have the same owner. The Bills GM and Kevin Adams speak a lot. As a fan, I see Kevin Adams doing a lot of what the Bills GM has done since coming here.

    Over the past number of weeks, the Sabres have been scoring a shit load of goals. Take a look at what we like to call "The Kid Line" which is Cozens, Quinn and Peterka. All 20/21 years old but are clicking together so well that we are praying they never are split up.

    The main problem with the team is they've been taking too many penalties, giving up goals on PPs and letting people score on them enough to squeak out a W.

    As a Sabres fan, I went from "hating" the team a few years back to absolutely loving them. The vibe is off the wall positive, the team is so likeable and finally fun to watch even when they lose. I am finally feeling willing to be patient with them because for once I see them getting somewhere. They are so incredibly young, it's going to take time but for now I'm more than willing to wait a little bit more.

  5. Sabres management obviously have an ability to read young potential. Signing players like Thompson and Samuelsson long term, just as they begin to peak, is a valuable talent. I'd look for Cozen to get a serious offer this offseason and Dahlin to be tied up for the next eight years. Tuch, Power, Quinn and Peterka could follow the year after. That's the heart of this team over the next decade or longer.

  6. Bro don't run on when you talk as much, let guest talk a bit more. Overall not bad

  7. And then Tage went off for 5 goals last night.

    Moving forward, the young core for the Sabres, IMHO, are…

    Forwards: Tuch, Thompson, Cozins, Paterka, Quinn, Skinner (can't move his contract).

    Defense: Dahlin, Powers, Samuelson, and Jokiharju.

    Goalie is TBD.

    All other players may fit in, or can be used as trade pieces to flesh out the team.

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