@Avalanche du Colorado

MacKinnon le lie avec le one timer!

Nathan MacKinnon propulse à la maison le chronomètre unique pour ramener le Lightning et l’Avalanche à égalité à 1 dans le sixième match de la finale de la Coupe Stanley


  1. Seems like Tampa complained to the refs about every avs goal in the series.

  2. That goal was completely set up. MacK was eyeing that gap between Vasilevskiy's blocker and the post and he shot a laser. Only a player of the HIGHEST caliber can make that shot. Credit to the text book puck movement by the captain and the kid!

  3. This is a normal draisatle shot and people doubt hes q top 5 or ten meanwhile when MacKinnon dpes it its amazing and people put him qbove drai all the timedrqisatle scored from below the goaline qnd it got lesscoverage

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