@Flames de Calgary

Désolé pour la boîte rouge (volée à TML Twitter) mais je pense qu’il vaut la peine de noter que Huby est 2ème parmi tous les attaquants du GA/60 cette année !

Désolé pour la boîte rouge (volée à TML Twitter) mais je pense qu’il vaut la peine de noter que Huby est 2ème parmi tous les attaquants du GA/60 cette année !



  1. HotDamnLisaLaFlamme

    Hard to be out there for goals when you’re in the box.

    Sorry, I had to lol

  2. tallmaletree

    Hubey for the Patrice Bergeron trophy this year 👀

  3. treple13

    And of course Backlund is also there

  4. SputN1ckel

    To back this up and show he is actually producing elite defensive results analytically, here’s his updated GSVA scorecard from Dom at The Athletic: [https://imgur.com/a/8vvNx9c](https://imgur.com/a/8vvNx9c) (He’s in the 98th percentile defensively)

    Obviously the offensive numbers are very disappointing, he’s still got a lot of work to do there. But his ridiculous defensive metrics means that he’s already right around his market value (as you can see in the card).

    It’s very fair to be disappointed with Huberdeau’s production so far and to expect more of him. But defensive numbers like this show that he’s still finding ways to be effective and has radically improved in an area of the game people thought would be really hard to fix. He deserves credit for that. And while there will be growing pains as he figures out his offence, he’s currently got 8 points in his last 8 games. He’s put up 5 points in 6 games in December. There’s building blocks for him to click offensively, and if he can pair a bounce-back in his production with his seismic defensive improvement, he’ll be worth his contract and then some.

  5. jozhearvega

    I’m really hoping he can meet the expectations insofar as production. This is encouraging though, hopefully once he gets the defensive responsibilities down he can start experimenting offensively and producing 🤞

  6. bruhimi

    While the offensive production isn’t there, which I’m positive will change, even if it takes a season to do so when adjusting to linemates. Huby has improved this area of his game immensely and it’s noticeable. You can see the trust Sutter has when he throws him out on the PK where I don’t remember being there on Florida. He’s improving him and that first line just need to start producing. I’m optimistic, and who knows.. we might see it tonight!

  7. ArnieAndTheWaves

    If anything, I would rather have good defensive numbers on a top liner with some offence struggles than the other way around.

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