@Flyers de Philadelphie

Emoji Barf

Emoji Barf



  1. Legidragon

    It’s tough reading stuff like this because almost every player on our roster would probably look just as terrible on a stat sheet like this… still, Provy’s play has been declining over the past couple seasons, it’s hard to say how much blame the entire team deserves and how much of it directly belongs on Provy’s shoulders.

    However, the big thing that has me bent out of shape is the net value numbers at the top… yikes. Regardless of who is at fault for the poor statistics, doesn’t change the fact that management has royally fucked our cap situation. Provorov isn’t the best, but I don’t think he’s as bad as these numbers suggest… but he’s definitely overpaid; same can be said for several players on the roster.

    Shits fucked man, I just want a winning hockey team. Really gotta burn it all down

  2. StPauliBoi

    Well, they have clearly said that they don’t use stats to make decisions, so…..?

  3. Phillyvegas24

    He’s still one of my fav players but I’ve always said a true number 1 defenseman makes other players around him better. He unfortunately needs a legitimate partner to make HIMSELF better.

  4. Anthemz

    You could argue everyone on this team is overpaid right now. These individual stat lines wouldn’t be so bad if the team as a whole was much better. You throw a player like Provorov on a playoff team and he would fare much better.

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